Embrace Recovery at Opioid Treatment Programs

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A Leading Opioid Treatment Programs Provider

Avenues Recovery Center is a detox and residential rehab facility offering those suffering from Opioid Use Disorder an empathetic and warm community. Their facilities are located all over the USA. At Avenues, clients receive personalized care and support from top opioid addiction specialists in the framework of a supportive community. 

Understanding Opioid Usage and Opioid Treatment Programs 

What are opioids?
Opioids are pain killing drugs that have the side effect of greatly increasing the body’s pleasure. Once the intense pleasure has passed it leaves the body craving more and if not controlled, this can easily lead to addiction. For thousands of years, opioids have been recognized for their ability to reduce pain, and as such, they are widely used in the medical field. Opioids are often prescribed for chronic conditions, post-operative patients, and for accident victims suffering from serious pain.

What is Opioid Abuse?

Besides legal forms of opioids which include codeine, morphine, oxycontin, and fentanyl, there are opioids that have very little use medically and are used mainly to get high, such as heroin.  Even the prescribed forms of opioids often lead to addiction. As opioids are used regularly, the body builds a strong tolerance to their effects and a user begins to crave desperately for the joy and high they produce.  Although many users begin to use opioids through the instruction of their doctor, over time opioid users can become dependent on them. Patients may begin to misuse them for self-medication or just to experience the feelings of pleasure it makes them feel. Both can turn their opioid usage into a full-blown addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse more than 90 Americans die by opioid overdose every day.

 According to WebMD [1], opioid addiction is a chronic medical condition  and prolonged opioid use eventually makes a person feel that there is no way to get through the day without help from the substance.

How to Tell if You or A Loved One are Addicted to Opioids

The road of addiction can be long and painful. It can be difficult to know if you or a loved one are really addicted and need the help of an opioid treatment program.

According to Mayo Clinic, Common signs of opioid addiction include [2]:

  • Taking opioids frequently in a manner not intended by the doctor prescribing it. This includes taking more than the prescribed dose or taking the drug for the euphoric high it makes a person feel
  • Mood changes, including tremendous waves from elation to hostility
  • Taking opioids "just in case," even when not needed for pain
  • Irregularities in sleep patterns
  • Requesting the same prescription from multiple doctors, in order to have a "backup" supply
  • Losing Medications or borrowing medications from other people  so that more prescriptions can be written
  • Poor decision-making, including putting oneself and others in danger

Fortunately, there is help. Through specialized opioid rehab centers, addicts can look forward to a full and liberating recovery.

Avenues: Personalized Opioid Rehabilitation in a Supportive Community

Avenues Recovery Center Are detox and residential drug rehab centers that teach clients the tools necessary for overcoming opioid addiction and coping with its symptoms. In the framework of a supportive community, a deep connection is formed with expert staff and together a plan for treatment is built designed to address each client’s personal struggle. We tap into each client’s unique strengths to create a foundation for sustainable recovery.

Why Choose Opioid Treatment Programs at Avenues Recovery Center?

Getting Opioid Addiction Rehab at Avenues Recovery Center  

Opioid Addiction: A chronic disease that needs treatment.

Opioid addictions are recognized as a chronic disease. If symptoms are ignored and left untreated there is little to no chance that anyone suffering will ever recover. Since extended opioid use leads to medical conditions that are life threatening, such as heart and kidney failure, strokes and heavy liver damage among many other serious illnesses, ignoring opioid use disorder commonly ends with conditions that cannot be reversed, including possible death.

The Cost of Opioid Abuse

In addition, the social and financial costs of opioid abuse can be devastating.  Careers are lost, families are destroyed, and financial responsibilities are impossible to fill. When a person suffering from opioid addiction has no money to get the drugs they need, they can resort to breaking laws and end up in the vicious cycle of the prison system.

There is nothing more important for an opioid user than to seek competent and professional addiction treatment at a provider with integrity and professionalism. The cost of opioid rehab pales in comparison to the cost of opioid abuse.

Opioid Treatment Programs at Avenues

When you enter opioid addiction treatment at Avenues Recovery Center, you can stop the cycle of destruction of opioid addiction and begin to lessen the damage of drug abuse. Avenues Recovery is a detox and residential addiction treatment center identified by its warm community, environment and evidence-based programs that are tailored to each specific individual. Situated in beautiful and modern facilities all around the USA our locations are chosen for their serene nature, allowing for the sense of peace and calm needed to maximize the opportunity to sustain opioid recovery in a protective and safe environment.   

An Opioid Treatment Plan Made Just For You

Upon your arrival you will be greeted by intake professionals who will concentrate on only you and do everything possible to fully understand your personal battle and background. Based on the partnership immediately established and the information gathered, a treatment plan of how best to meet your needs will be formed. Throughout the process and continuing for the entire length of your opioid addiction rehabilitation at Avenues, open lines of communication and feedback are greatly encouraged. If something is not working, we do not just give up. Our staff will consider other options and make sure that the clients progress is closely monitored.  Avenues Recovery staff understand that real recovery needs true partnership and giving our client a voice is a priority.

Phases of Treatment

Generally opioid addiction treatment at Avenues Opioid Rehab Centers starts with an opioid detox. This takes place on site and with the supervision of medical professionals handpicked for their expertise and ability to make our clients feel safe and cared for. Once the detox phase is completed, residential programs will begin in the very same location and under the care of the very same staff that has already earned trust and chemistry.  This removes any fear a client may have as they enter recovery and gives a feeling of safety and calm.

Amenities at Avenues Recovery Centers are wide ranging. They include outdoor activities, nutritious and delicious meals, snacks, and airy and light filled spaces. A sense of friendship and sharing is created with peers and the journey to recovery begins to wash away the loneliness and isolation of opioid addiction.

Opioid Treatment Programs Tailored To Your Needs At Avenues Recovery

Every person suffering from opioid addiction is different and needs to be addressed on a personal level. Programs at Avenues span many different treatments and great care is taken to make sure the right one is chosen for each client. Our insight and dedication to getting it right has led to Avenues sporting retention and sustained opioid rehab success  rates unheard of in the field.

Opioid addiction treatment at Avenues Recovery includes Drug Detox Treatment, Residential Treatment Programs, Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) and Outpatient Drug Programs (including Outpatient Opioid Treatment) (OP).

Clients at Avenues Recovery Centers receive a variety of treatment and opioid addiction therapies to help them identify triggers, cope with withdrawal and learn crucial social skills so that their recovery lasts even when they eventually leave the protective walls of Avenues and return to their families, find jobs, and retake responsibilities.

Avenues Treatment Modalities

These therapies include the following:

  • Detoxification
  • Medication management (Medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder)
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • CBT Therapy
  • Family counseling and therapy

Making the decision to join an opioid treatment program can save your life. We know how hard it is and we’re here to support you in your journey. For further questions regarding Avenues Recovery Center programs, such as guidance in your specific circumstances or the cost of opioid rehab, our team is standing by 24/7. Please don’t hesitate to contact one of our reps. You or your loved one can change their life forever.

Learn More about Opioid Addiction 

Choose the nearest Avenues Rehab to you


[1] webmd.com

[2] www.mayoclinic.org

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