What is an Addictive Personality?

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What Is an Addictive Personality?

Part of the complete guide to understanding addiction

What is an Addictive Personality Disorder?

An addictive personality disorder is defined as when an individual possesses a specific set of personality traits that make him/her more predisposed to developing an addiction than the average person.

“Addictive Personality” is a loaded phrase that’s thrown around in various contexts – often without an understanding of its actual definition and implications. Avenues Recovery, addiction rehabilitation experts, answers the curious question: what is an addictive personality disorder – and how can one tell if someone possesses it?

Having signs of an addictive personality does not diagnose a person as an addict. Rather, it means that they possess a collection of traits that commonly manifest themselves in addicts and may eventually lead to addictive tendencies. A person may display many addictive personality traits and never become an addict, and another may not show any and still succumb to addiction.  

Bear in mind that addiction is a broad term that is used not only in reference to substance (drug and alcohol) abuse but to any form of compulsive behavior including, but not limited to:

  • Eating
  • Shopping
  • Gambling
  • Browsing the internet
  • Watching TV
  • Playing video games


Do I Have an Addictive Personality?

If it is very difficult for you not to get stuck on things that give you pleasure, you may have an addictive personality. An addictive personality typically latches onto specific people, ideas, behaviors, pursuits, or even substances. 

For example, most people purchase one or two items they need or have long wanted, and no more. A person with an addictive personality will purchase compulsively even with no real need, and even when they lack the funds to support their habit. 

The average person can go to a restaurant or party and have one drink, and then not touch alcohol for a month or more. Someone with an addictive personality will return for another 5 glasses because they so enjoy the feeling the first one gave them, which can lead to an alcohol addiction. 

Similarly, someone with an addictive personality will compulsively watch TV shows they love, browse the web, eat, exercise, experiment with drugs, or buy lottery tickets – in short, continuously fixate on and pursue whatever it is that gives them pleasure. They lack the ability to control or stop their actions.

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The Addictive Personality Test

There are a variety of telltale signs that commonly manifest themselves in those with an addictive personality disorder. When noticed in an individual, they do not constitute a definite diagnosis but a likelihood that the person possesses an addictive personality. Checking whether you or a loved one exhibits these behaviors may serve as an informal addictive personality test. Such signs include:

  • Obsessing Over Pleasure

Much like an addict obsesses over his substance of choice and when he can get his next fix, one with an addictive personality will often fixate (whether in action, thought, or speech) over whatever it is that gives them pleasure.

  • Wanting More of Their Passion

A person with an addictive personality can never get enough of their passion – be it clothes, poker, or aged steaks - they always need more, and never reach their saturation point.

  • Lying About Behaviors

To justify, conceal, and continue their problematic behaviors, someone with an addictive personality will feel compelled to lie both to themselves and others. This creates a negative and unsustainable situation.

  • Persisting Despite Negative Outcomes

For one with an addictive personality, the pleasure that their compulsive behavior affords them takes precedence over all else. Even when their actions cause them to lose precious relationships, go into debt, fail in school, or land in trouble with the law, they persist in their self-destructive behaviors.

  • Displaying Impulsive Behavior

Addictive personality disorder is commonly characterized by rash and impetuous behavior. Such a person does not give thought or consideration to the possible ramifications of their actions.

  • Denying Responsibility

Much like an addict who finds ways to blame his addiction on everything and everyone but himself, those with an addictive personality often have difficulty with accountability and accepting responsibility for the impact of their actions.

  • Revolving Relationships

The effects of addictive personality in relationships are heartrending. A trail of destroyed relationships is often left in its wake. Similarly, a person suffering from addictive personality disorder will struggle to remain in relationships due to the negative and alienating behaviors they engage in.

  • Secrecy

Much like the above mentioned “lying”, people with addictive personality disorder are forced to conceal many of their actions from the people in their lives in order to continue pursuing the object of their passions, unhindered.


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Why Do I Have an Addictive Personality?


Although addictive personality disorder can affect anyone, there are specific factors that may contribute to the likelihood of one developing an addictive personality disorder. If you are wondering why you have an addictive personality disorder, this may help you to reach an answer.  Below are some examples:


  • Genes/Heredity

Genes and heredity are large components of addiction and addictive personality disorders. Through various studies and cases – such as children born to addictive parents but then adopted by non-addictive families – scientists have determined that genes account for approximately half the likelihood of one developing an addiction. If one has family members suffering from addiction, they are very likely to develop an addictive personality disorder.

  • Environment

Genes aside, one’s environment is another factor that greatly influences their susceptibility to addictive personality disorder. One’s school, circle of friends, and neighborhood greatly impact their personality. One who grows up surrounded by drugs and alcohol is highly likely to develop an addiction to it later on; conversely, one cannot possibly become addicted to a substance (or anything, for that matter) if they were never exposed to it.

Mental health doodles

  • Mental Health Disorders

Suffering from one or more mental health disorders – such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, schizophrenia, and the like, greatly increases the chances of one developing an addictive personality. Such individuals are very likely to seek out behaviors and/or substances that temporarily relieve the discomfort caused by these conditions, and will compulsively pursue them once they experience their sedative effects.

  • Inability to Regulate

Some people naturally struggle with processing, expressing, and controlling emotions and/or behaviors healthily. This may manifest itself in intense, unpredictable mood swings and inappropriate reactions to mundane experiences and challenges. An individual who is challenged with self-regulation and impulse control may struggle with curbing addictive behavioral patterns as well.

  • Impulsive, Risk-Loving Trait

Personality and addiction are inter-connected. Individuals who love risk-taking and thrill-seeking, constantly chasing an adrenaline rush through new and dangerous experiences, may also be more at risk of developing an addictive personality disorder. Their nature may result from naturally high brain dopamine levels, which leaves them less sensitive to its effects and in need of continuously more intense experiences to feel any pleasure. This may lead them to begin experimenting with addictive substances later on in life.

  • Cautious, Disconnected Trait

On the other end of the spectrum we find those who are unusually wary, cautious, and disconnected. This trait is commonly found in those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and the like, as they naturally withdraw from their surroundings out of fear of social interactions and relationships. Such people will often latch onto a pleasurable behavior or substance to alleviate the loneliness and pain that their self-isolation brings.

  • Obsessive, Compulsive Trait

Lastly, one who grapples with obsessive and compulsive thoughts and behaviors, in general, is understandably at an increased risk of developing an addictive personality disorder. Interestingly, this may not only present itself as an inability to regulate impulses but conversely as an over-rigidity in quashing and controlling impulses. A rigid, intensely focused person who habitually repeats specific behaviors is as vulnerable to addictive personality disorder as an impulsive, impetuous person. Whenever an individual displays a lack of flexibility in their thoughts and behaviors, they display an obsessive-compulsive behavioral pattern and are more likely to suffer from an addictive personality disorder.

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How to Deal With an Addictive Personality Disorder

Now that you are aware of what an addictive personality is, remember: it should never be accepted as a positive diagnosis of addiction. Think of it as a red flag signifying underlying issues that can hopefully be dealt with alongside appropriate intervention. Some believe that the term causes more harm than good due to the shame and stigma it can bring upon vulnerable individuals.

If you think you or a loved one may possess an addictive personality disorder, remember, it is not a diagnosis. Often, the course of action for someone with an addictive personality disorder isn’t treatment. Similarly, specific addictive personality medication does not exist. Contact Avenues Recovery to find your solution - we’ve helped thousands of people on their journeys and we can help you too.

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