How Long Does Trazodone Stay In Your System?

Trazodone takes between 1-3 days to leave the body of a healthy adult. Trazodone’s half-life is between 5 and 13 hours, which means that every 5-13 hours (depending on the individual) Trazodone levels in the blood will drop by 50%. Should someone take more of the drug while some of it is still in the system, it will accumulate and be detectable for even longer. For example, after 5-13 hours of taking a dose of 300 mg of Trazodone, drug levels will drop to 150mg. After the next 5-13 hours it’ll drop to 75mg. However, if the person takes another dosage at this point, Trazodone blood levels will rise to 375mg (instead of the original 75mg.)

So, the response to the question of ‘how long does Trazodone last?’ will vary according to the individual.

What Is Trazodone?

Trazodone is a popular antidepressant used to treat major depressive disorder, as well as off-label as a sleep medication for insomnia. It belongs to a class of drugs called serotonin antagonists and reuptake inhibitors (SARIs). To help understand how trazodone works, an explanation of serotonin’s function is necessary.

In short, serotonin is a chemical that transfers messages from the brain to the body. It controls one’s mood, pain, sleep, wellbeing, and many more bodily functions. Trazodone works by preventing serotonin from being absorbed quickly in the brain, which increases the levels of serotonin and allows the chemical to remain longer in the body. This relieves symptoms of depression, sleep disorder and anxiety.

Trazodone can cause false-positive results in amphetamine drug tests, so it’s important to know how long it stays in the system.

Factors That Affect How Long Trazodone Stay in The System

There are several factors that affect how long Trazodone will stay in the system. These include:

  • Age: Generally, older people have weaker metabolisms and worsened health. This results in the drug being eliminated at a slower pace.
  • Liver and kidney function: since these organs play the biggest role in waste removal, any malfunction will cause the drug to stay longer in the system. The healthier the kidneys, the quicker the drug will be removed from the system.
  • Weight and metabolism: the quicker one’s metabolism is, the faster Trazodone will be processed and ridded of the system. Heavier people need more of the drug to reach the same effect, so it’ll take longer for it to leave the body.
  • Usage and dosage: An accumulation of the drug can occur as a result of:
    > taking high doses
    > taking the drug very often
    > taking the drug for a long duration of time.

Thereafter, it can take a long time for the drug to be expelled from the body.

Does Trazodone Show up on a Drug Test?

Trazodone drug tests aren’t usually administered, as Trazodone is not considered a ‘drug of abuse.’ However, Trazodone can show up on a drug test. For someone that is about to take a pre-employment drug screening, it's important to act wisely, since Trazodone can produce false-positive results on a drug test - as is the case of many antidepressants. This is because Trazodone and its metabolites have a chemical structure similar to the specific drug being tested for. In such a situation, it is best to inform the technician about any medications being taken before the test. If the result is a false positive, one should request for another test to be done immediately with the same sample but with a different technique, such as liquid or gas mass spectrometry. This will allow employers to check again and rule out amphetamines.

People often question:

  • ‘How often does Trazodone cause false positive drug tests?” According to the National Library of Medicine, it occurs quite frequently, with 8 Trazodone-associated false-positive results coming up in a span of 26 days.
  • Does Trazodone show up in a 12-panel drug test? A 12-panel drug screen tests for 10 substances in the system, including amphetamines. So yes, Trazodone can cause a false-positive result in a 12-panel drug test.

If a person's drug test results in a false positive but they do not have a prescription for Trazodone, they could be fired, since it is illegal to use Trazodone without a prescription.

How Long Does Trazodone Show up in a Urine Test, Hair Sample, Blood Test, and Saliva Test?

  • In a urine test: Trazodone breaks down into metabolites and these can be detected in the urine for up to 26 days. Urine tests are most common as they’re cheap, accurate and can detect the drug for a long period of time.
  • In a hair test: A hair sample can determine whether the person took Trazodone in the previous 4 months. Hair tests are less common than urine tests since they’re quite expensive and not as accurate. Moreover, it can take over 2 weeks for the results of a hair test to appear.
  • In a blood test: Trazodone will show up in a blood test up to 3 days after the last dose. This is so as it depends on the half-life of Trazodone, which is 5-13 hours. This means that it takes up to 3 days for the drug to leave the system.
  • In a saliva test: This is the least common way of testing for drugs. Trazodone and its metabolites can be detected in a saliva test up to a few days since it was last ingested.

Treatment For Trazodone Addiction

The fastest way to get trazodone out of your system is to follow these tips:

  1. Stay hydrated: Water flushes out toxins and enables the body to function properly. Water should be one’s go-to option, but teas and juices are also helpful in eliminating toxins.
  2. Exercise: Exercise can strengthen one’s metabolism and increase the blood flow, enabling the toxins to leave the system more quickly. Intense exercise that leads to sweating is great, but if one doesn’t feel up to it, walking and other calm exercises can also be beneficial.
  3. Eat healthy: Reducing intake of highly processed foods and choosing foods like fruits, protein, cruciferous vegetables and healthy fats helps support the detoxification process.
  4. Avoid alcohol or caffeine: Since alcohol and caffeine also have toxins that the liver and kidneys must work hard to remove, it’ll take longer for the drug’s toxins to be eliminated.

Of course, detoxification is always best carried out in a rehab facility where 24/7 medical care is available.                                                                                                                                                  

Instead of hacking it alone, come detox in a comfortable and professional setting where we can help you manage withdrawal symptoms safely. Contact us at Avenues Recovery Center to find out more about our treatment options for Trazodone detox. Our warm and competent staff are always available and ready to assist.

If you or your loved one are suffering from trazodone addiction, know that there is hope. Our professional and dedicated staff have helped thousands of people break free of their addictions, and they can help you too! We use innovative methods and personalized treatment plans to give you the best chance at recovery. No one deserves to suffer alone. Our experienced and empathetic addiction counselors will guide and support you every step of the way to recovery.

Reach out today to take your first step towards a happier, healthier and addiction-free future.

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