What is Flakka?

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Flakka, the colloquial name for α-pyrrolidopentadione (a-PVP), is a synthetic cathinone drug. Sometimes referred to as “gravel” for its gravel-like appearance, it is commonly referred to as the Flakka drug.

First, let’s understand what a cathinone drug is. Cathinone is a naturally occurring compound called phenylalkylamine, found in the leaves of khat - a shrub or small tree indigenous to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Historical references to the chewing of khat leaves for their euphoric and stimulant effects date back many centuries, and today, this tradition remains widespread in countries such as Somalia, Yemen, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Synthetic cathinones are a class of lab-made stimulants that are designed to mimic the chemical properties of khat. 

Flakka  belongs  to the family of synthetic drugs commonly referred to as “bath salts.” Flakka is typically abused through oral ingestion, but it can also be eaten, smoked, injected, or vaporized in e-cigarettes. Flakka PVP is known for its highly addictive nature and potentially dangerous side effects.

What is Flakka Made Of?

Flakka drugs are man-made, typically from a manufactured version of an Amphetamine-like Stimulant in the Cathinone class called Alpha-PVP. Similar chemically to MDVP, more commonly known as bath salts, Flakka is currently classified as a Schedule I drug. The DEA defines the Schedule I status as drugs with no medical value and a high potential for abuse.

What Does Flakka Look Like?

Similar in form to broken glass, Flakka is a crystal-like substance, usually white or pink in color. Its street name, gravel, accurately describes its appearance in both texture and size.

Flakka Effects and Dangers

Flakka is a powerful stimulant that affects the central nervous system and causes effects similar to those of cocaine, including intense euphoria, increased energy, and alertness. What are other common Flakka symptoms? What does Flakka do to the brain? Abusing Flakka can have a range of adverse effects on users, both physically and cognitively. 

Below is a list of short and long-term Flakka side effects: 

    • Agitated delirium - This causes hyperstimulation, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.
    • Violent or erratic behavior - Flakka gained notoriety for causing bizarre and often dangerous behavior in users. 
    • Hyperthermia - The body experiences an elevated body temperature, which can rapidly reach as high as 105-106°F (the average normal body temperature is 98.6°F). This results in sweating and dehydration, as well as kidney damage and failure. As a result of hyperthermia, muscles can break down, taking a toll on the kidneys. Experts worry that some survivors of Flakka overdoses may be on dialysis for the rest of their life.
    • Neurological problems -  A Flakka high can last several hours, and Jim Hall, a drug abuse epidemiologist, explained that “it is possible that the neurological effects can be permanent. Not only does the drug sit on neurons, it could also destroy them. Because Flakka, like bath salts, hang around in the brain for longer than cocaine, the extent of the destruction could be greater.”
  • Increased heart rate (tachycardia) and blood pressure
  • Muscle spasms and "superhuman" strength
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • Suicidality
  • Death, in severe cases - As with any illicit substance abuse, the difference in quantity between getting high and fatally overdosing is very minor, and is unknown to the user in advance.

The extent to which an individual will experience dangerous Flakka symptoms depends on the frequency and method of administration, as well as a number of other factors, such as any underlying health conditions.

If you or your loved one is suffering from Flakka addiction, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Avenues Recovery, so that we can guide you on your path to healing and sobriety.

Flakka Withdrawal Symptoms

Since the Flakka drug is highly addictive, users who quit this drug abruptly or without medical guidance will experience withdrawal symptoms. Flakka withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Sleeping problems
  • Night sweats
  • Irritability
  • Mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions

Prevalence of Flakka Drug Use

Is there a Flakka epidemic? It is difficult to know exactly how popular Flakka use is because when surveying individuals on Flakka use, the results are likely to be inaccurate. Flakka users often underestimate their use of this drug because Flakka or other bath salts are often used unknowingly as adulterants in drugs such as ecstasy. 

While some people may ingest illicit synthetic cathinones intentionally - sometimes as cheaper or more accessible alternatives to other drugs - others ingest them unintentionally as contaminants in other drugs, so it is hard to ascertain the prevalence of the drug use. However, since Flakka is inexpensive, costing as little as $5 for a dose, it is definitely easy to access and become addicted to. 

Flakka Versus Bath Salts

While Flakka and bath salts do share similar properties, they are different from one another. Before we look at the differences, it is important to clarify that cathinone “bath salts” have nothing in common with actual “bath salts” or Epsom salts, which are developed from a mineral mixture of magnesium and sulfate, and which people put in bath water to help them relieve stress and relax muscles. Calling the drug “bath salts” is an intentionally misleading attempt to draw attention away from their illegal status so that they won't get confiscated by authorities. It is also an attempt to circumvent drug regulations. Even though the packaging may state, “not intended for human consumption,” cathinone bath salts are sold as drugs of abuse.

One difference between bath salts and Flakka is their chemical composition. Bath salts is a colloquial term used to refer to a variety of synthetic cathinones. The chemical composition of bath salts can vary widely, as it includes numerous different compounds, such as mephedrone, methylone, and MDPV (methylenedioxypyrovalerone), among others. Flakka, on the other hand, typically refers to a specific synthetic cathinone known as alpha-PVP. It is distinct from other synthetic cathinones, including those found in bath salts.

Another difference is in terms of the effects the two drugs have. The effects of bath salts can vary depending on the specific compound or mixture used. Generally, they produce stimulant effects, including increased energy, alertness, euphoria, and sometimes hallucinations. Flakka, due to its primary active compound alpha-PVP, tends to be associated with extreme stimulation and agitation. Flakka users may exhibit erratic and bizarre behavior, hallucinations, paranoia, and sometimes violent tendencies. It has gained notoriety for its potentially severe and unpredictable behavioral effects.

Is Flakka Addictive?

Yes, Flakka is highly addictive and it is crucial to receive professional help for a Flakka addiction. Synthetic cathinones, in general, are addictive, and the longer an individual uses Flakka, the higher their tolerance level becomes, leading to compulsive cravings.

The danger of Flakka addiction is significant due to its cheap price, availability, and the intense high that users experience.

Flakka Addiction Treatment

The first step in treating Flakka addiction is often drug detox treatment. This process involves the supervised withdrawal from the drug in a safe and controlled environment. Medical professionals can provide medications and monitoring to manage withdrawal symptoms, which can be severe and include anxiety, depression, paranoia, and intense cravings. Flakka addiction rarely occurs in isolation since it is often part of poly-substance abuse. Medical professionals take into consideration that Flakka users often abuse it alongside other drugs and will experience withdrawal effects from those drugs as well. They will be sure to adjust medications and provide careful monitoring to ensure a safe detoxification.

After detox, individuals will always benefit from inpatient or residential treatment programs. These programs provide a highly structured and supportive environment where individuals receive therapy, counseling, and education about addiction. This setting can be particularly beneficial for those with severe addiction or a history of relapse. If drug addiction is less severe, outpatient treatment programs are also an option, as these allow individuals to live at home while attending regular therapy sessions and support groups. 

Find Help for Flakka Addiction at Avenues Recovery

If you or a loved one are struggling with Flakka addiction or any other substance use disorder, contact us at Avenues Recovery, where we will walk you through the different treatment options available. The first step in recovery is feeling hope that Flakka addiction is treatable and that sobriety is an attainable goal. Leaders in addiction rehabilitation, our sensitive and experienced addiction counselors will be at your side at all times until you are able to live a life free from addiction. We will partner with you, accept you, and encourage you on your road to recovery and living the life that you deserve.

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