More than 1 in 5 Americans suffer from chronic pain, as per the CDC. When dealing with chronic pain, many patients are prescribed opiates. Unfortunately, most opiates are highly addictive. According to a study by the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), over 8 million Americans over the age of 12 reported misusing prescription opioids in 2023. More than two-thirds of these people reported that they had misused to relieve physical pain.
These frightening statistics leave many people looking for effective natural pain relief options they can turn to instead of opioids. Opiate addiction is becoming more common than most people want to believe. After getting hooked on opiates and opioids, it’s difficult to get clean and sobriety may feel unattainable. However, there’s always a way forward. In addition to seeking opioid addiction treatment from a rehab facility, you can learn how to manage pain in your life with non-opioid pain control. By managing pain and finding different ways to deal with it, you can completely break opiate dependence.
Natural Pain Relief Options
Avenues Recovery has treated countless opioid users through to sobriety. We know that when opioid use starts for pain relief, addiction can be quick to follow. Our clinical professionals practice many alternative pain management options. Read on to hear their top 10 recommendations on how to relieve pain without medicine.
1. Exercise: The Ultimate Non Opioid Pain Control
Scientists have known for a long time that exercise can reduce pain, acting as a strong non-opioid pain treatment option. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain - (IASP), physical activity and exercise not only help with reducing pain but also act as a preventative measure that reduces the likelihood of chronic pain.
The pain tolerance of patients who exercised regularly as part of their different treatment programs was higher than the pain tolerance of those who didn’t. They could withstand more pain although their pain thresholds had not actually changed.
When exercising, the body releases several natural opiates, such as endorphins. These endorphins attach to receptors in the brain to reduce pain and dampen discomfort. This effect is known as exercise-induced hypoalgesia and lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes after the workout.
Several different types of exercises can help with pain management. They include:
- Range-of-motion exercises
These types of exercises relieve stiffness and increase mobility around the joints. Most of these exercises are rather simple - they involve easy movements like rolling the shoulders forward and backward. - Strengthening exercises
These types of exercises help to build stronger muscles. Common exercises include bench pressing and weightlifting. It’s best to avoid working out the same muscle groups two days in a row. - Aerobic exercises
These types of exercises improve your cardiovascular health, as well as general health. They include walking, biking and even swimming.
Other activities, no matter how small, can also help to reduce pain. Some people might go for a quick walk or jog around the block. Others may rake leaves or even mow the lawn. Many treatment facilities incorporate some type of activity or exercise into their routine.
Those with opioid use disorders will benefit from producing more natural opiates instead of relying on artificial products, making exercise a natural top choice for non-opiate pain control.
2. Deep Breathing and Meditation for Pain Management
Meditation and deep breathing calm the mind while recharging the body. Both meditation and deep breathing help to lessen tension in the muscles. Tight muscles increase pressure on the nerves and receptors, which can increase pain. By relaxing through deep breathing and meditation, the pain-tension cycle breaks.
These relaxation techniques for pain management are also helpful in improving one’s mental health. Many rehab facilities offer yoga sessions and meditation rooms for addicts, especially those with a prescription opioid addiction.
Deep breathing is a great option for non-opioid pain management. It’s also one of the easiest skills to practice. It involves taking deep breaths to lessen muscle tension. Shallow, rapid breathing is believed to cause tension.
If you are interested in breathing for pain management, we recommend you find a quiet and warm space. Breathe deeply through your nose or mouth and relax your stomach muscles. Take deep, slow breaths at your own pace. When breathing out, picture tension leaving your body. This technique is great for dealing with the withdrawal symptoms involved with opiate addiction.
3. Releasing Stress Can Provide Natural Pain Relief
Negative feelings, like depression and stress, can increase your body’s sensitivity to pain. The more stressed you feel, the more sensitive to pain you become. Learning how to take control of stress is one of the most effective natural pain reducers. There are many different types of techniques that you can use to reduce stress. Try spending time doing hobbies and relaxing activities. Some of the most recommended techniques include:
- Listening to relaxing and soothing music
- Using mental imagery for a mental escape
- Relaxing with progressive muscle relaxation
Relieving stress relaxes the muscles. This puts less pressure on pain receptors in the body. In addition, less stress results in an increase in the natural production of neurotransmitters responsible for creating feelings of euphoria. People who are less stressed are more likely to feel happy and pain-free. They are also less likely to reuse opioids or be at risk for an opioid overdose.
4. Switch to a Healthier Diet
Your diet can make a big difference when it comes to alternative pain management. Many nutritionists recommend including natural painkillers in your diet as an easy way to manage pain without using conventional analgesics. These are some natural painkillers to look out for:
- Curcumin is found in turmeric and works as an anti-inflammatory drug.
- Quercetin is found in red onions, red wine, and citrus fruits. This natural compound inhibits inflammation.
- Omega-3 fats are found in salmon and walnuts.
A healthy diet can improve chronic pain. This includes eating natural products and shying away from processed foods. Those with an unhealthy diet are more likely to experience other health conditions that might exacerbate the pain. If you’re looking into rehab facilities, it’s vital to find a treatment program that offers healthy dining options to give you the best chance at recovery.
5. Acupuncture for Pain Management
As research into alternative therapies for pain management grows, studies have concluded that acupuncture works as a natural pain reducer. There are different approaches and schools to acupuncture. The different schools target pain relief in different ways.
The Eastern school attempts to balance the body’s flow of yin and yang energy. Fine needles are inserted into specific acupressure points in the body. The Western approach, on the other hand, inserts a needle directly into the center of the affected area. Both approaches are effective and can help manage pain.
Inserting acupuncture needles into the body stimulates the central nervous system. This diffuses pain signals in the brain and dulls pain. The insertion of a needle also stimulates blood flow to the area. Increased blood flow reduces inflammation, eases muscle spasms, and stimulates endorphin production. Endorphins are one of the body’s natural painkillers which help to ease pain naturally. An increase in endorphins is particularly beneficial for opioid addicts seeking sobriety alongside pain relief.
There have been many cases where acupuncture has successfully offered pain relief. Recent studies have explored the positive correlation between chronic lower back pain relief and acupuncture. Acupuncture not only treats pain but also improves function in that area of the body.
Several acupuncture sessions may be needed before an effect is felt. You may also need ongoing acupuncture to help ease and manage pain. If you’re afraid of needles, another option to try is acupressure, which works in a similar way to acupuncture. Acupressure is great for treating alcohol dependence and drug dependence as it works by easing any withdrawal syndrome associated with addiction. Opioid Withdrawal symptoms can be particularly difficult to overcome.
6. Non Opioid Pain Control using Hanna Somatics
Hanna Somatics is an interesting mind-body technique created by Dr. Thomas Hanna in the 1970s. This neuromuscular movement re-education is highly effective as a natural pain reducer. It also treats the root cause of most chronic muscular pain, removing the need for opiates.
The heart of this therapy functions under the belief that the brain is the control center for muscles. As a result, those who learn how to control the brain can indirectly control their muscles or nerves. Drug addicts who are practicing the techniques in Hanna Somatics will be guided through several slow, mindful movements. These movements increase awareness of tension and movement in the body. It helps the brain learn how to sense and organize muscle movement. They learn how to regain awareness and sensation in the motor control of muscles via an educational process. This leads to improved muscle function and enhanced sensory awareness, and is a great way to ease pain and manage stress.
This technique targets sensory motor amnesia (SMA). It can not only relieve pain but also deal with:
- Headaches
- Stiff or painful muscles and joints
- Fatigue
- Poor posture
- Back pain
- Repetitive use injuries, or stress injuries
The technique is easy to learn and pick up, with many classes available that teach it. This therapy is particularly popular with opioid users and drug abusers. Constant stimulation of the opioid receptors may have caused some connections to become crooked and Hanna Somatics can re-teach the brain how to function.
7. Hypnosis for Pain Management
Substance abuse and mental health problems often come hand in hand. The treatment of opioid dependence should include improving mental connections in the brain. Hypnosis is believed to be one of the most effective non-opioid pain treatments. A study conducted at Harvard found that hypnosis was even effective in reducing pain from surgery. This technique works by refocusing the mind away from pain.
Several sessions may be needed for hypnosis to work. This type of maintenance treatment can help patients learn how to diminish their focus on pain. Hypnosis can also be used as a treatment for opioid addiction. It can be especially helpful for patients with high drug tolerance.
8. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy - PRP for Pain Relief
Although it doesn’t sound appealing, getting an injection of your own blood can help treat pain and acts as an excellent non-opioid pain control. This technique is known as platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP), has been used to help with recovery from painful injuries.
PRP is made from a person’s own blood. After the blood is collected, it is spun down in a centrifuge so the platelets can be collected and concentrated. It is then mixed with blood plasma and injected back into the area of injury. The platelet-rich concentration increases the number of reparative cells in the body and speeds up the healing process. This can help reduce pain and lessen the need for opioids or other medicinal painkillers.
This type of treatment should only be provided by professional healthcare providers. It’s also important to let the healthcare providers know if you are taking any prescription pain medications at the time as this can interfere with the treatment.
9. Herbs can Assist with Natural Pain Relief
Many herbs and essential oils can assist with non-opioid pain management. Some traditionally used herbs that have been found to decrease pain include:
- Rosemary
- Peppermint Oil
- Capsaicin
- Ginger
- Tumeric
- Cloves
Rosemary and turmeric have been used to relieve muscle pain and spasms. Many of these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties which can help bring down pain levels.
Capsaicin, an ingredient found in chili peppers has also been used for pain relief. Capsaicin can cause a burning sensation and should only be used on unbroken areas of skin. It should not be used on infected areas. Capsaicin can be found as a cream or a patch and is available over the counter.
For those looking to use herbs or natural ingredients as an alternative pain management option, it is always recommended to check with a doctor before using supplements. Despite their very low risks of side effects, some herbs can interact with other medicines and so care should be taken.
10. Support Groups and Therapies
A huge part of pain is emotional. Research has demonstrated that peer and emotional support play a part in reduced pain, with therapy and support groups doing wonders in easing psychological symptoms. Psychological support can help reduce cravings for those seeking recovery from opioid dependence. . There are plenty of support options to choose from. Some of the most popular choices include:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- 12 Step programs
- Family counseling
- Group counseling
- One-on-one counseling
- Motivational Interviewing
These therapies can teach you how to identify triggers and build better habits. They can also help correct substance abuse and mental health issues. Most therapies teach different techniques for the management of opioid abuse. Addiction to opioids can be particularly difficult to recover from, however, there are many support groups available for those who are attempting to wean off of pain medications.
Natural Pain Relief Can Be Very Effective
It’s not easy to recover from opioid addiction. Even with professional help, users struggle. If you’re interested in learning how to get rid of your dependence on opioids, it’s time to learn alternative methods of pain relief.
Residential treatment facilities and other rehabs will offer and encourage alternatives to opiates within their treatment of opioid abuse. Patients need to learn how to relieve their pain without pills that carry an addiction risk. It’s time to stop relying on prescription drugs and opiates. Instead, learn how to rely on yourself and get treatment for opioid addiction.
Be Free From Opioids
No matter where you stand in your recovery journey, Avenues Recovery is here to support you. If you’re seeking advice on natural pain relief, non-opioid pain management, or looking to quit opioids altogether, our addiction treatment services can guide you all the way through. Contact Avenues Recovery today for the pain-free life you deserve.