Cocaine Overdose: Recognize the Signs and Symptoms

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Drug abuse and addiction are far more widespread than we would like to believe. A recent survey found that over 5 million individuals in the United States used cocaine in 2023 alone, while more than 42 million people used cocaine at some point in their lives. Additionally, in 2023, 0.7% of survey respondents in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades reported using cocaine within the past year, noting a trend of substance abuse in youth. Drug abuse runs rampant within our society, and drug overdose has been a leading cause of drug-related deaths worldwide.

Avenues Recovery Treatment Center explores the signs and risks of cocaine overdose, what to do when someone is overdosing, and the hope that drug rehab offers.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is an illegal stimulant drug found in South America and derived from two different coca leaves: Erythroxylum coca and novogranatense. Cocaine is a “Schedule II” drug, which means it is illegal when used recreationally but can be prescribed by physicians for medicinal purposes. Cocaine addiction is a rapidly growing trend, due to the short-lived feeling of euphoria experienced by its users.

Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Yes, you can overdose on cocaine, especially if it is mixed with other drugs like fentanyl. An overdose is the body’s reaction to a drug dosage that overwhelms the individual’s tolerance. Overdoses are not to be taken lightly and require emergency medical support to help stabilize and potentially save the life of the patient.

Can Cocaine Kill You?

If a large enough dose is taken, a cocaine overdose can be fatal. The risk increases when cocaine is taken in tandem with other drugs or alcohol. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), men are three times more likely than women to die from overdosing on coke. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) reports cocaine as the second deadliest drug type after opioids.

Can You Overdose on Crack?

Yes, you can overdose on crack cocaine. A crystalline form of cocaine that is usually smoked, crack is known to be more potent than cocaine, which often leads to a higher rate of addiction and overdose. The symptoms of a crack overdose are similar to that of a cocaine overdose. It is considered “easier” to overdose on crack simply due to its higher potency.

Even individuals who use crack cocaine for the first time run the risk of overdose, especially when attempting to use the same amount as more experienced users. Seasoned crack users require higher doses, as their bodies have developed a higher tolerance to the drug.

Cocaine Overdose Symptoms

Symptoms of cocaine overdose can be severe and even life-threatening, affecting different bodily functions, most notably the heart.  If you see someone displaying signs of cocaine overdose or any drug overdose symptoms, call 911 or emergency responders immediately. You may save the victim’s life.

Symptoms can vary depending on the amount of cocaine taken and an individual’s health, but common signs of cocaine overdose include:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Cardiac arrest
  • High blood pressure
  • Raised body temperature
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain
  • Change in breathing patterns
  • Lack of consciousness
  • Body tremors
  • Panic
  • Paranoia
  • Delusion
  • Delirium

It is important to note that a cocaine overdose can lead to severe outcomes aside from death, such as heart attacks, seizures or convulsions, and stroke. These side effects of cocaine use cause significant damage to the body and lead to chronic health conditions.

How Much Cocaine Does it Take to Overdose?

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of cocaine that is lethal, as it depends on several factors – as well as the fact that cocaine is often laced with other drugs, such as fentanyl.

The following factors can impact overdose risk:

  • Age: The younger one begins, the larger the risk of cocaine addiction and coke overdose.
  • Gender: Men have a higher likelihood of overdosing on coke than women.
  • Weight: One’s weight impacts the dosage that the body needs to feel the effects of the drug. Miscalculating the dosage can lead to an overdose.
  • Drug use history: The higher the frequency of use, the higher the tolerance. Increased tolerance can result in the need for higher doses of cocaine, leading to accidental cocaine overdose.
  • Mixing substances: Mixing powerful drugs may cause the body to hit a threshold never crossed before, and the results can be fatal.
  • Drug potency: Different batches of cocaine have different amounts of potency, but a lethal dose of cocaine is typically around 1 to 1.5 grams for an average adult.
  • Method of use: Smoking or injecting cocaine leads to more intense effects faster than snorting, though all methods of use can cause an overdose. 

So how much cocaine does it take to overdose? It depends on you, your current health status, your history of cocaine usage, and whether or not you are mixing the drug with other substances.

Cocaine Overdose Treatment

When it comes to a cocaine overdose, imminent treatment is essential to prevent the user from losing their life. 

If you witness someone experiencing cocaine overdose symptoms, call 911 immediately. Emergency medical professionals will be able to treat the individual and counter the overdose symptoms before it becomes fatal. 

Here are some actions to take while you wait:

  • Stay and monitor the individual until help arrives
  • Apply cold compresses to keep the individual’s body temperature down
  • Move away sharp objects and anything that may cause harm to the individual in case they experience a seizure

After the incident, the individual should receive treatment for drug addiction. Drug rehab, detox programs, and therapy can help one overcome cocaine addiction. Behavioral therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for addiction, is very beneficial in treating individuals with cocaine addiction and preventing further instances of cocaine overdose. 

Cocaine Overdose Prevention at Avenues Recovery

When one is addicted, seeking help is hard - but it is the most important and worthwhile journey to embark on. Many treatment modalities are available, including behavioral therapy, pharmacological intervention, motivational interviewing, and rehabilitation.

It is difficult to take the first step and talk with someone who doesn’t know you, but addiction experts can guide you and provide you with the help you need. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a free, confidential hotline available to answer any questions about substance abuse or mental health help. They can be reached at 1–800–662–4357.

As a premier drug and alcohol rehab, Avenues Recovery Center has excellent resources and treatment programs to help guide and support you throughout your journey to recovery from cocaine or any other substance. Reach out to Avenues and our professional addiction counselors and expert staff will be ready to guide you toward a better life, addiction-free. Start your journey to recovery with us today. 

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