Rehab for Professionals

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Despite misplaced beliefs regarding people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, addiction does not discriminate between age, gender, profession, financial bracket, or social status. Many professionals and business owners suffer from the disease of addiction, including lawyers, accountants, dentists, doctors, therapists, politicians, engineers, scientists, and high-powered CEOs.

The reality is that addiction is more prevalent for professionals than you may think, especially since they are under a lot of stress and pressure every day at the workplace. Unfortunately, many professionals may be reluctant to admit that they are suffering from addiction because they are too ashamed to reach out for help. That’s why professionals may prefer to attend a drug rehab for professionals or an outpatient program.

Which Professionals Suffer from Addiction? 

Ironically, doctors and nurses have the highest rates of addiction in comparison to other professions. This could be because:

  • They are under a lot of stress when dealing with critically ill patients.
  • They need to stay alert over long and difficult shifts.
  • They may be suffering from burnout.
  • They may be dealing with the emotional trauma that is inherent in the healthcare industry.

This is why there are special drug and alcohol rehab for medical professionals.

Young professionals (ages 20-30) are also at higher risk of substance abuse disorder compared to other white-collar professionals. Although there is no conclusive evidence of the cause, some speculations about the increase in addiction for Gen Z professionals are that they use social media more, causing competition, stress, and addictive behaviors.

Although certain age groups and professions have a higher rate of addiction, any professional in every industry can find themselves dealing with an alcohol or drug addiction, especially if they have anxiety, depression, a lot of stress, or other emotional and mental health issues. 

Drugs Used by Professionals

Professionals usually take drugs to enhance their performance at work, either by stimulating their creativity or to help them remain calm and relaxed. Some professionals use alcohol as an unhealthy coping mechanism for stress and burnout, although professionals statistically don’t use substances very often or in very large amounts. They also don’t use hallucinogens, as those can impede their performance at work.

The vast majority of professionals have a hidden addiction. This means that their disease remains undetectable for a long period of time because they keep it discreet and somewhat controlled, as opposed to people who are less restrained and have obvious addictions.

Here are substances often abused by professionals:

  • Depressants- like Cannabis, Heroin, Benzodiazepines, and Barbiturates
  • Stimulants- like MDMA, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and nicotine
  • Prescription medications
  • Alcohol 

The Benefits of Rehab for Professionals 

Substance abuse treatment for professionals is flexible, allowing professionals to continue working at their regular jobs while receiving the care they need to recover. It is also discreet, ensuring no compromise on the patient's dignity, and highly customized treatment plans can help professionals reach their goals faster and more efficiently so they can go back to their routine quickly.


Options of Addiction Treatment for Professionals 

Rehab for professionals is very similar to regular rehab programs, except that extra care is taken at every step to accommodate the needs of a professional:

  1. Medical detox- Typical substance use disorder treatment begins with a medical detox, and treatment for professionals is no exception. The point of a medical detox is to allow the drugs to exit the body entirely while minimizing the adverse withdrawal effects with medical supervision. Although detox can take place inpatient at a rehab center, professionals may prefer to undergo medical detox outpatient at a rehab center or other medical facility such as a hospital.
  2. Inpatient rehab- There are very discreet, comfortable inpatient rehab centers for professionals who would like to keep their addiction undercover and experience the maximum comforts while going through rehab. The staff will be flexible to allow professionals in treatment to work remotely online.
  3. Outpatient program- There are many options for outpatient programs that can work for a professional in the workforce. Although typical outpatient programs require attendance from Monday through Saturday for many hours a day, there is an option for evening rehab for working professionals who would like to continue their regular jobs during rehab.

Staying Employed While at Rehab 

Many professionals are worried about whether or not they can continue at their regular jobs while attending drug or alcohol rehab for professionals. According to the law, employees can find protection under the ADA and FMLA bills, which allow them to retain their jobs while pursuing treatment for their addiction.

In order to be protected by the ADA law, the employee must be in a recovery program for substance use disorder and committed to lasting recovery. In accordance with the FMLA bill, addicted professionals may receive unpaid leave for medical emergencies, such as an addiction, and retain their jobs for when they recover.

Notwithstanding the laws that protect addicted employees, some workplaces require some remote work during rehab, while others allow complete leave but only for a limited amount of time. An addiction rehab for professionals accommodates both needs by providing time and a designated workspace for remote employees, and a flexible, focused plan for employees who need to complete rehab quickly. 


For a professional, addiction may be the greatest source of shame. On top of the stressful, pressurizing jobs professionals juggle, they often expend unlimited time, energy, and resources into hiding their addiction from their boss, family, and friends, causing added stress and pressure.

It’s important to know that addiction among professionals is a lot more prevalent than you may think. Your boss will most likely understand if you are open, honest, and humble. Share your hopes to become sober and perform better in your role, and they’ll likely encourage and support you while keeping your job open for you when you return.

Additionally, specialized mental health professionals and rehab programs can help you transform your life by guiding you toward sobriety in a way that caters to the busy lifestyle of a professional while maintaining utmost discretion.

If you or your loved one are suffering from addiction, know that there is hope. With the right help and support, recovery is entirely possible. Avenues Recovery Center has enabled thousands of people to overcome their addictions and turn their lives around. Our staff are experts in the field of addiction and are committed to delivering the highest level of care and support. We use a mix of traditional and holistic therapies and personalized treatment plans to facilitate optimal success. If you're serious about addiction recovery, reach out today to Avenues Recovery Center today to start your journey towards the happy, healthy and sober future you deserve.

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