All About Drug Rehab for Young Adults

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Sending a teen to a drug treatment center might be one of the hardest decisions a parent has to make. However, getting help early can mean the difference between future substance use and a healthy life. Read on for more information about drug rehab for young adults.

The Importance of Drug Rehab for Young Adults

An adolescent’s developing brain is more vulnerable to drug and alcohol use compared to that of an adult’s [1]. This means drug use will have severe negative impacts that might not be reversible. So if you suspect your teen has an addiction, you need to get help right away. Enrolling your child in teenager drug rehab is the best way to handle their substance abuse or addiction.

Unfortunately, you may encounter resentment and anger on your teen’s part after making this decision. Unlike you, he or she doesn’t have the experience or foresight to understand how drug addiction will impact his or her future. It’s smart to reach out to an addiction counselor for guidance on how to talk to a teenager about drugs so that you limit the damage to your relationship when intervening. 

Below are some tips to help you choose the right teen rehab center.

Choosing the Right Teen Drug Counseling Facility

To make this a smoother process, you need to find the right rehabilitation center for your family member. Do your research to ensure you enroll your teen into a youth drug rehab that will provide, as much as possible, effective treatment for their specific circumstances.. To help get you started, here are a few things to look for when searching for the best drug-treatment facility for your teen.

1. Will They Work With Your Child’s School?

A big concern for parents is how their child’s education might be impacted by treatment. No one wants their child to be left behind at school, which can cause detrimental effects on intellectual and emotional growth on top of all their other issues. When searching for a teen drug counseling facility, make sure it has a program that complements your child’s schoolwork. Maintaining a similar academic trajectory to peers is important even while enrolled and working towards recovery at a teen drug treatment program.

2. Are the Staff Fully Qualified?

Facilities should provide Master’s-level clinicians, psychiatrists, and doctors that cater specifically to teenagers. After all, the treatment needs of teens differ dramatically from the needs of adults. Factors like brain development and hormonal changes need consideration when creating treatment plans for young adults. Teen rehab centers require a knowledgeable staff that understands the rapid growth of adolescents and how to properly care for and help them.

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3. What are Their Addiction Treatment Schedules Like?

After your teen undergoes a psychological and medical assessment performed by a team of professionals, an individualized treatment plan will be created. You, your child, and the treatment team will discuss goals, duration, and the course of this plan. Your teen will participate in individual therapy along with group therapy, with the latter taking place together with a group of  peers. Counseling offers a crucial support structure needed to address personal feelings along with a way to uncover the root cause of the addiction. Make sure you understand the timeline and content of the treatment to ensure that it aligns with your family’s values.

Some other questions to ask yourself when choosing an addiction rehab for young adults are:

  • Which treatment types are provided?
  • Does the facility cater to your teen’s specific form of dependence?
  • Does the treatment center treat dual diagnoses, such as anxiety or depression?
  • Does the facility offer any aftercare or support for post-treatment?
  • Which amenities do they provide?
  • What are the facility’s success rates?
  • What is a typical day at rehab like?

Types of Addiction Rehab Programs for Young Adults

Drug rehab centers for young adults will offer different types of treatment plans, each suited to a different stage of recovery. There are generally three types of addiction treatment provided:

30, 60 and 90 Day Plans

Residential addiction treatment programs consist of 30, 60, or 90 day programs, depending on the severity of the addiction. They usually include intake and evaluation, drug detox treatment, group and individual therapy, and aftercare. Progress will be evaluated towards the end of the program and shorter plans can be extended if further treatment is necessary.

Sober Living

Following inpatient rehab, a drug rehab for young adults will usually offer sober living programs. This is a transitory stage involving a stay at a safe and clean environment, where the patient readjusts to their regular schedule while maintaining their newfound sobriety.

Support Groups

Recovery doesn’t end when a treatment program is completed. Addiction treatment facilities will recommend recovering addicts to join support groups and attend local recovery meetings, in order to maintain the motivation to remain clean [2]. A good option is the Avenues alumni program.

What Teen Addiction Rehab Typically Involves

Drug rehab centers for young adults will offer different types of treatment plans, each suited to a different stage of recovery. There are generally three types of addiction treatment provided:

  • Family Therapy
    Getting the family involved in recovery uncovers essential tools for everyone, not just the child. This type of therapy helps teens and their families work through issues that might be contributing to the addiction.
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
    This popular therapy reveals a teen’s natural internal motivation to create positive behavior changes. Teens otherwise reluctant to change, do benefit from MI because it helps them become more positively driven to make better decisions.
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT)
    Some cognitive professionals believe that destructive behaviors come from a cycle of unhealthy thoughts. Using CBT, patients change these thought patterns and replace them with healthier ones. For example, your teen might learn to identify certain triggers and find alternative ways to cope rather than use drugs.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
    Similar to CBT, this type of therapy promotes mindfulness, acceptance, and regulating emotions. Teens will learn new skills to effectively cope with distressing feelings, which will lead to positive changes in behavior.

Eliminating Triggers for Young Adults in Recovery

The number of situations that young adults experience where drugs and alcohol are present can make it very difficult for recovering addicts to maintain their hard-earned sobriety. Fortunately, by being able to identify places where triggers may be hiding, those who are recovering can keep their time at these locations to a minimum and find other areas to enjoy themselves, find employment, or spend time being social. Bars, dance halls, even restaurants can be a temptation when people are in the early stages of recovery.

Professional substance abuse counselors can assess each individual's situation and help to create a plan to avoid these triggers in a way that won’t take them out of the social scene for longer than they have to be. Although they may have to steer clear from venues serving alcohol, and the places where they used to indulge in drugs or drinks, they will begin to build new habits, new routines, and maybe even find new friends who can help support them through the process of rehabilitation rather than hinder it with temptation and triggers that would otherwise cause them to revert to old habits.

What to Know About Drug Rehab for Young Adults

When choosing the right drug rehab center for your teen, consider one that provides academic enrichment, a staff that understands teenagers, and a specialized care schedule. Getting your child the help that he or she needs as soon as possible is the best way to ensure they can continue to live a functional, full and healthy life. 

At Avenues Recovery, we are here to help both you and your teenager. Contact our professionals today for any addiction questions or advice.

You can learn more about how to spot signs of drug abuse on our website.

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