What Do Drugs Smell Like?

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It’s normal to wonder what drugs smell like. Some drugs have strong, distinct smells, whereas others have a milder scent that is more difficult to detect. 

Parents who suspect drug use in their teens can look out for changes in behavior like withdrawing from family and friends, showing agitation, anxiety or depression, glazed eyes, decline in personal hygiene or grooming, and moodiness.

However, another clue that a child is using drugs is a lingering smell after drugs are vaped, smoked, or otherwise consumed. In this article, Avenues Recovery, leaders in addiction rehabilitation, will cover what different drugs smell like to help you identify whether or not your child is using drugs. You will also be able to explore further if you want to discover more about specific drugs. This allows parents to intervene early and help their child while the addiction is still in its beginning stages.

What Does Meth Smell Like?

Meth, short for methamphetamine, is a highly addictive drug. Although meth is used in many different ways- snorted, injected, swallowed, and smoked- the smell can only be detected when it is smoked. So what does meth smell like? Smoked meth smells similar to burnt plastic, chemicals, and cleaning products. Some describe it as smelling like ammonia or vinegar, both potent smells. Infact, incase you wondered what drug smells like cat pee and what drug smells like burning plastic, the answer to both questions is meth.

The smell lingers where meth was smoked, and may also be smelled on the user’s breath. These odors can also be emitted on one’s sweat for some time after meth was last used.

What Does Crack Smell Like? 

Crack, or cocaine, is a widely used, extremely addictive stimulant drug. People who suspect a loved one may be using crack may wonder, what does cocaine smell like? The smell of cocaine in powder form is faint - the powder is used by either injecting (dissolved in liquid), snorting, or swallowing.

What do drugs smell like when smoked? Crack cocaine, the crystalized version of cocaine that is smoked, has a more pronounced odor. Like meth, it smells of burnt plastic, chemicals, and cleaning products. Others describe it as smelling like burnt rubber.

What Does Weed Smell Like?

Weed, a street name for marijuana, is a derivative of Cannabis, and can be smoked, vaped, or eaten. The smell of smoked weed is very pungent, and can be detected for a while after it is smoked. There are many variations of marijuana, and some have traces of other synthetic drugs, which means that the smell of weed can vary greatly. As for what synthetic drugs smell like, their smell can differ drastically from natural drug types.

What does weed smell like? The smell of weed has been described as that of a skunk, burning rope, or musk. People who smoke marijuana are usually aware of the strong smell that lingers in their car or on their clothes, so they may use strong air fresheners, body deodorants, and other strong smells to mask the marijuana.

Weed, or marijuana, which is made from cannabis buds, produces a distinct smell when smoked

What Does Fentanyl Smell Like? 

Fentanyl is an incredibly potent opioid drug that can cause overdose or death when even a small amount is taken. What does fentanyl smell like? Unfortunately, fentanyl is odorless, so if a child is using fentanyl, you will not be able to detect it by smell, although other factors can show that your child is using drugs.

What Does Heroin Smell Like?

Heroin, otherwise known as opium, is a natural opioid derived from the poppy plant. Heroin is injected, snorted, inhaled, or smoked. If you know someone who may be using opium, you may wonder, what does opium smell like? The smell of heroin \ opium is usually mild but is described as vinegar-like or acidic. Additionally, the scent doesn't linger after being smoked, making it even harder to detect when used in pure form.

Heroin may be used with other drugs like marijuana or cocaine, both of which have a distinct smell. Heroin, like fentanyl, is lethal, so although it does not emit a strong odor, parents should be aware of the other signs of heroin use so they can help their children early.

What Does PCP Smell Like?

PCP, or Phencyclidine, is a hallucinogenic substance with dissociative properties. It can be purchased as a pill, liquid, or powder, and can be snorted, injected, swallowed, or smoked. When smoked, PCP smells like permanent markers.

Can Drugs Change the Way Your Body Smells?


No matter what certain drugs smell like, the smell of some drugs lingers in the area where the drug was smoked, and on the clothing, hair, and skin of the person using the drug. At most, the temporary lingering will disappear after a few days.

The breath of a chronic drug user can change when drugs with a strong taste are swallowed or rubbed against the gums. Hallucinogenic drugs are known to cause excessive sweating for days after use, altering the smell of the body.

Other Signs of Drug Use

As explained above, smell is only one of the many tell-tale signs that your loved one may be using drugs. In the case of an odorless drug or a drug that is difficult to detect via odor, other ways to spot drug abuse in a family member include: :

  • Disinterest in regular friends and relationships
  • Hanging out with new people who use drugs
  • Stopping to engage in usual hobbies, activities, and responsibilities
  • Staying out of the house late at night
  • Being agitated, angry, and hostile
  • Exhibiting anxiety or depression
  • Extreme mood swings (high when on drugs and low during withdrawal)
  • Being secretive, lying, and stealing
  • Lacking coordination, balance, and impulse control
  • Experiencing insomnia and unhealthy sleep hygiene
  • Sudden weight loss, weight gain, or changes in eating pattern
  • Red eyes, dilated pupils, and constant runny nose
  • Decline in personal hygiene, grooming, and appearance

If you identify some of these signs in your loved one, they could be using drugs and may already be addicted.

Aside from smell, another side effect of addiction to drugs is dilated pupils

What NOT To Do: 

Discovering that your child may be using drugs is a scary experience. You may be tempted to do something rash like yell at your child, confiscate their stash, and forbid them ever to use drugs again. The reality is that although instinctive, those methods are rarely helpful and usually harmful.

As frightening as it may be, you do not have control over what your child does, and trying to assert your control will only make a delicate situation worse. Wanting to protect your child from falling into addiction is a noble pursuit, but realize that your child may not be ready to terminate their drug use, or you may be late to the game, and your child may be struggling with a full-fledged addiction already.

What to do if you suspect your child may be using drugs:

Here’s what you can do if you think your child may be using drugs:

  • Educate yourself - Do research into the harmful effects of using drugs so you have the data to present to your child. Don’t allow the information to paralyze you or cause you to act irresponsibly. Rather, find out which mental health counselors, therapists, and rehab facilities can help your child and compile data to present to your child.
  • Have a conversation - Find a neutral time when your child is not on a high from the drugs and is calm, open, and receptive to talking to you. State your suspicions in a non-confrontational, non-judgmental way. Reassure your child that you will not punish them - you want to help them.
  • Listen - Allow your child to share their experiences. Give them space to explore what they are feeling, why they turned to drugs in the first place, how they feel when using the drug, and how difficult it is to deal with the withdrawal symptoms when the effects of the drug wear off.
  • No expectations - Do not expect your child to open up to you entirely or immediately be receptive to your suggestions for speaking to a therapist or, if necessary, enrolling in a rehab facility. Your child will likely be defensive, lie, or get irrationally angry. Don’t match their anger or retaliate; keep calm and stay loving. Your goal should be to keep the line of communication open. Your child should feel safe to share their experiences with you and approach you for help when ready.

Understand What Drugs Smell Like and Get Treatment

It’s a good idea to find out about different treatment options to help your child when they are ready to start their journey to sobriety. The first step to recovery is medical drug detox treatment at a hospital or rehab center, where they will help your loved one wean off the drug slowly and safely while helping them manage their withdrawal symptoms. The next step is engaging in one-on-one and group therapies to help your child learn the skills of managing negative emotions effectively and how to remain sober for the long term. 

At Avenues Recovery Center, we’ve helped more than 30,000 people struggling with drug addiction gain sobriety. Reach out today so we can help your child, too. Our staff are experts in addiction and will guide and support your child every step of the way to recovery. We use a mix of holistic and traditional therapies, as well as personalized treatment plans to ensure optimal success. To begin the journey to sobriety, contact us today. We promise you won’t regret it.

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