Trazodone vs. Ambien

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Insomnia can feel like a never-ending maze of sleepless nights and groggy mornings. It's tough, really tough. When sleep becomes a distant dream, it's natural to seek help, and for many, that help comes in the form of medication. Enter Trazodone and Ambien, two sleeping pills that often come up in conversations about reclaiming a good night's rest. But what’s the difference between Trazodone and Ambien? Which is better for insomnia? Read on for Avenue Recovery’s full comparison of Trazodone and Ambien.

What is Trazodone? 

Trazodone, also known as Desyrel, is a versatile medication initially developed to tackle depression. But there's more to it than that. Over time, people noticed its calming effects, turning it into a go-to option for improving sleep. Falling into the serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors (SARIs) category, Trazodone tinkers with serotonin levels in your brain. This dual-action mechanism not only helps ease depression but also brings about relaxation and drowsiness, making it an attractive choice for those struggling to sleep.

One standout feature of Trazodone is its off-label use for sleep. While it wasn't initially created to combat insomnia, its knack for inducing drowsiness made it a popular remedy for sleep issues. Unlike typical sleep aids, Trazodone goes beyond just helping you sleep—it also tackles underlying mood disorders like depression or anxiety, often linked with sleep problems. Trazodone provides a holistic solution for those aiming to improve their sleep quality and overall well-being.

What is Ambien?

Ambien, also known as zolpidem, is a well-known sleep medication. Unlike Trazodone, Ambien is crafted as a sedative-hypnotic medication, specifically engineered to kickstart and maintain sleep. Falling under the non-benzodiazepine category, Ambien targets the GABA receptors in your brain, the control center for relaxation and drowsiness. This focused approach means Ambien swiftly guides you into slumberland, offering relief from the clutches of insomnia.

Ambien's standout feature is its lightning-fast onset of action. If you're wrestling with sleep difficulties—whether it's hours of tossing and turning or battling fatigue but still unable to doze off—Ambien swoops in as a much-needed solution. While primarily recommended for short-term use to tackle sudden bouts of insomnia or temporary sleep problems, Ambien's effectiveness in lulling you to sleep underscores its importance in the fight against sleep disorders. However, like any medication, it's crucial to approach Ambien cautiously and seek guidance from a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use.

Prescription for Ambien (zolpidem). Both Trazodone and Ambien are prescribed for insomnia

Similarities and Differences between Trazodone and Ambien

How does Trazodone compare to Ambien and how does it differ? Below are the main similarities and differences between Trazodone and Ambien:


  • Both Trazodone and Ambien are commonly prescribed to help with sleep problems, aiming to make falling and staying asleep easier. Despite having different main purposes, they're both about giving you a good night's rest.
  • One thing they have in common is that they both make you feel sleepy. But, like any medicine, they can also have side effects, such as feeling dizzy or a bit queasy. These side effects usually improve as your body adjusts to the medication.
  • You can't just pick up Trazodone or Ambien at the store. They're both prescription-only medicines, meaning you'll need to meet with your doctor before beginning. This is because they have some risks, and it's important to use them safely and correctly.
  • Both Trazodone and Ambien can be habit-forming if you're not careful. That's why it's crucial to stick to the dose and length of treatment that your doctor recommends.


  • Trazodone started out as an antidepressant, so it's also used to help with mood problems like depression or anxiety. Ambien, on the other hand, is all about sleep. Its one job is to get you to sleep and keep you there.
  • Ambien works fast - take it, and it won't be long before you're drifting off. Trazodone, though, takes a bit longer to kick in, so you might need to plan ahead a bit more.
  • Because of their differences, your doctor might suggest using Ambien for only a short time, while Trazodone could be okay to use for longer. It all depends on your personal situation, and what your doctor thinks is best.

In short, Trazodone and Ambien both aim to give you better sleep, but they go about it in different ways. Your choice might depend on what other things are going on with your health and how quickly you need help falling asleep. So, it's always a good idea to talk it over with your doctor before deciding which medication is right for you.

Comparing the Side Effects of Ambien vs Trazodone

Trazodone and Ambien each have their own potential side effects to consider. Knowing these side effects is important in deciding which medication is the best fit for your needs.


  • Trazodone can lead to dizziness and drowsiness, especially when starting treatment or adjusting the dosage.
  • Feeling a bit groggy or unfocused after taking Trazodone is common.
  • Other common side effects of Trazodone include dry mouth, blurred vision, and constipation. These symptoms are usually mild and tend to improve as your body gets used to the medication.
  • In rare cases, Trazodone may cause more serious side effects like orthostatic hypotension (a sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing) or priapism (a painful, prolonged erection). Seek out immediate medical attention if you experience these side effects.

Clear vial of Trazodone. Both Trazodone and Ambien are prescribed for insomnia


  • Similar to Trazodone, Ambien can cause dizziness and drowsiness, especially shortly after taking the medication. This can affect coordination and increase the risk of falls, particularly in older adults.
  • Ambien is associated with a higher incidence of daytime drowsiness compared to Trazodone, which can impact cognitive function and alertness during the day.
  • Some people may also experience headaches, nausea, or gastrointestinal disturbances while on Ambien.
  • One unique side effect of Ambien is the potential for complex sleep behaviors, such as sleepwalking or sleep-eating, which can occur without full consciousness. If you experience these behaviors, it's important to discontinue the medication under medical supervision.

Possible Side Effects





Muscle aches

Dry mouth






Complex sleep behaviors


Can You Take Trazodone and Ambien Together?

No, mixing Trazodone and Ambien is risky as it can increase side effects such as dizziness, sleepiness, confusion, and slowed breathing. This could lead to a higher risk of falling and injuries, especially for older people. 

Ambien vs Trazodone for Sleep: Which is Better?

Which is better, Ambien or Trazodone? Deciding which medication is better for managing your sleep issues depends on factors like the cause of your insomnia, your medical history, treatment goals, and personal preferences. Both medications have their pros and cons, so it's important to talk through your options with your healthcare provider. Whether you're aiming to tackle mood disorders alongside sleep problems or you're looking for quick relief from trouble falling asleep, your doctor can guide you toward the right choice for you.

Trazodone has its perks. It can help with both mood disorders and sleep disturbances at the same time, which might be a game-changer if you're dealing with depression or anxiety alongside your sleep issues. Plus, unlike Ambien, Trazodone doesn't carry the risk of complex sleep behaviors like sleepwalking or sleep-eating, which may make it a safer choice. And if you're after long-lasting relief from insomnia, Trazodone's longer action might be just what you need, especially if you're managing ongoing mood disorders.

On the other hand, Ambien has some standout qualities too. Its quick onset means it can be a lifesaver if you're struggling to drift off at night, offering rapid relief from sleep difficulties. Plus, since it's designed specifically for sleep, Ambien might be the simpler option if you're mainly focused on improving your sleep without dealing with mood issues. And if you only need short-term help with insomnia, like during a stressful period or transition, Ambien's short-term use could be just what you’re looking for.

Zolpidem vs Trazodone for Insomnia: Speak to Your Doctor

Ultimately, whether Zolpidem (Ambien) or Trazodone is the better choice for you depends on your unique situation and what you're hoping to achieve with your treatment. By having an open conversation with your healthcare provider about the benefits and risks of each medication, you can make an informed decision that's tailored to your needs and preferences.

Is Trazodone Addictive?

While Trazodone is not as addictive as other drugs, such as opioids, there is always the potential for abuse due to its sedative effects. Individuals who abuse Trazodone may take more than they are prescribed, or combine it with other dangerous substances like alcohol.

Is Ambien Addictive?

Ambien is not considered a highly addictive drug, yet there is always a risk of abuse with any medication, especially when taken in higher doses than a doctor prescribes. According to WebMD, Individuals already struggling with a substance use disorder are at a higher risk of developing Ambien addiction. Individuals wishing to stop taking Ambien for insomnia must be careful to do so only under the guidance of their medical provider. Stopping to take the drug abruptly, or even lowering the dosage on your own, can lead to serious Ambien withdrawal.

Addict with head in his hands, suffering with symptoms of withdrawal from Ambien

Trazodone and Ambien Addiction Treatment

Treating addiction to Trazodone or Ambien involves a blend of strategies aimed at safely discontinuing the use of these medications and reclaiming control over sleep patterns. Here's a breakdown of practical steps you can take:

  1. Gradual Reduction: Quitting Trazodone or Ambien abruptly can trigger withdrawal symptoms, so it's often recommended to taper the dosage gradually under medical supervision. This gradual approach minimizes discomfort and allows your body to adapt gradually.
  2. Therapy: Counseling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can help you understand the root causes of addiction and develop healthy sleep habits. Therapists can assist you in learning new coping strategies and managing cravings or triggers that might lead to a relapse.
  3. Lifestyle Changes: Simple adjustments in your daily routine can have a significant impact. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, practicing relaxation techniques before bed, and avoiding stimulants like caffeine and screens can all contribute to improved sleep quality over time.
  4. Support Networks: Connecting with others who are going through similar experiences can provide valuable encouragement and guidance. Support groups or community resources offer a supportive environment where you can share your challenges and successes, making the recovery journey feel less overwhelming.
  5. Exploring Alternatives: Non-medication approaches to improving sleep, such as mindfulness practices or acupuncture, can complement traditional treatment methods. These alternatives focus on addressing underlying sleep issues without relying solely on medication.
  6. Team Approach: Collaborating with a team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, therapists, and addiction specialists, ensures that you receive comprehensive care tailored to your individual needs. This multidisciplinary approach covers all aspects of addiction recovery, providing support for both physical and emotional well-being.

Find Ambien or Trazodone Addiction Treatment at Avenues Recovery

In conclusion, overcoming addiction to Trazodone or Ambien is achievable with the right support and approach. By gradually reducing medication use, engaging in therapy, implementing lifestyle changes, and connecting with support networks, you can take meaningful steps toward reclaiming healthy sleep patterns and overall well-being.

At Avenues Recovery Center, we recognize the challenges of addiction recovery and are committed to guiding you through every stage of the journey. Our compassionate team has provided personalized care and support to help thousands to achieve lasting sobriety and renewed hope. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to Trazodone, Ambien, or any other substance, take the first step toward recovery by reaching out to Avenues Recovery Center today. Together, we can embark on a path toward a brighter, healthier future. Your journey to recovery starts here.

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