The Effects of Long-Term Ambien Use

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Ambien, also known as zolpidem, is a popular remedy for those tossing and turning at night, helping them drift off to dreamland by easing their minds and promoting sleep. While it's great for short-term relief, long-term Ambien use can lead to some negative outcomes. 

Join Avenues Recovery, leading addiction rehabilitation specialists, as we uncover the side effects of long-term Ambien use and discover how to take Ambien as safely as possible.

Risks of Long-Term Ambien Use

Although Ambien is commonly prescribed for insomnia, the pressing question often arises: 

Is Ambien Safe for Long-Term Use?

Taking Ambien for the long term can be harmful to your health. Our professionals at Avenues Recovery have compiled everything you need to know into one useful article. 

What Are the Side Effects of Taking Ambien Long Term?

There are various risks and side effects of Ambien long-term use. These include:

Development of Tolerance

Over time, the body gets used to Ambien, requiring higher doses to achieve the same sleep-inducing effects.

Tolerance can lead to a cycle of increasing dependency on Ambien for sleep, making it harder to sleep without medication.

Cognitive Impairments

Long-term Ambien use has been associated with cognitive impairments, including memory problems and difficulties with attention and concentration.

These cognitive effects can impact daily functioning and quality of life for people who rely on Ambien for sleep.

Psychological Dependence

There's a risk of psychological dependence on Ambien, where users feel unable to cope with sleeplessness without the medication.

This can lead to a cycle of reliance on Ambien for sleep, making it harder to break the dependency and learn to fall asleep on your own.

Health Concerns

Long-term Ambien use may have additional health risks, including:

  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Impaired motor function

Another major risk of taking Ambien for longer than prescribed is the risk of overdose and the challenges of withdrawal.

Long-term Ambien use makes withdrawal from sleeping pills difficult, Avenues Recovery warns.

Ambien Overdose

Let’s take a look at the topic of Ambien overdose and how it is treated.

Effects of Ambien Overdose

An Ambien overdose can lead to severe central nervous system depression, resulting in symptoms such as:

  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Slowed or difficult breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Weak or shallow breathing
  • Fainting
  • Coma

In severe cases, overdose can lead to respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, or death.

Ambien Overdose Treatment

In cases of Ambien overdose, immediate medical attention is crucial. Emergency medical services should be contacted, and the person suffering should be taken to the nearest emergency department for evaluation and treatment.

Treatment may involve supportive care to maintain vital functions, like airway management and ventilation support, as well as administration of antidotes if necessary.

Gastric lavage or activated charcoal may be used to reduce absorption of Ambien in cases of recent ingestion.

Long-term Ambien use can lead to overdose, causing dangerously low blood pressure, Avenues Recovery warns.

Ambien Withdrawal

When one suddenly and significantly reduces or stops their Ambien intake, they will experience Ambien withdrawal.


Stopping Ambien use cold turkey or too quickly after prolonged use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, which could include:

  • Rebound insomnia (worsened sleep problems)
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Mood disturbances

Physical withdrawal symptoms may also include:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps

In severe cases, withdrawal may result in hallucinations, delirium, or seizures.

Duration and Severity

The duration and severity of Ambien withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on factors such as:

Withdrawal symptoms typically peak within the first few days after discontinuation and gradually subside over the course of one to two weeks. However, some people may experience protracted withdrawal symptoms (known as post-acute withdrawal symptoms, or PAWs) that persist for weeks or months.

Management and Treatment

Management of Ambien withdrawal involves gradual tapering of the medication under the guidance of a healthcare professional to minimize the risk and severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Supportive care may include addressing symptoms as they arise, providing emotional support, and using non-medical strategies to promote sleep and manage anxiety.

In cases of severe withdrawal or complications, medical supervision and pharmacological interventions may be necessary to ensure safety and comfort during the withdrawal process.

Long-term Ambien use can cause vomiting and abdominal cramps during withdrawal, Avenues Recovery warns.

How Long Can You Take Ambien Safely For?

It is usually safe to take Ambien for a few days to a few weeks, although this varies from person to person. Ambien is meant to help with short-term sleep problems, not as a long-term fix. 

What Happens if You Take Ambien for Years?

Using Ambien for too long can lead to long-term effects of Ambien, like needing higher doses to get the same effect, or even becoming dependent on it. That's why it's important to talk to your doctor if you're thinking about using Ambien for a while. They can help figure out the best plan for you, considering your health and other factors. If you're still having sleep troubles, there might be other options to explore together with your doctor.

Long-Term Effects of Ambien on the Body

Various physical side effects accompany long-term Ambien use, these include: 

Tolerance Development

Needing higher doses of Ambien over time to achieve the same sleep-inducing effect.

Increased risk of dependency, and difficulty sleeping without Ambien.

Physical discomfort including headaches, muscle aches, and nausea may also occur during withdrawal.

Daytime Drowsiness and Impaired Motor Function

Increased susceptibility to daytime drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired coordination.

Higher risk of accidents or falls due to impaired motor function, especially in older adults.

Gastrointestinal Disturbances

Possible gastrointestinal side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

Long-term use may contribute to digestive issues or discomfort.

Respiratory Problems

Rare but serious side effects like difficulty breathing or shallow breathing, particularly when combined with other central nervous system depressants. 

Long-term Ambien use can cause dependence on sleeping pills, Avenues Recovery warns.

Long-Term Effects of Ambien on the Brain 

Aside from physical side effects, long-term Ambien use presents a host of psychological side effects. These include: 

Memory Impairments

Long-term Ambien use has been associated with memory problems, including difficulties with memory recall and formation.

Increased forgetfulness and cognitive deficits, which may impact daily functioning.

Mood Changes

Potential for changes in mood, including increased irritability, mood swings, or emotional instability.

Some individuals may experience heightened anxiety or depressive symptoms.

Psychological Dependence

Risk of psychological dependence on Ambien, leading to a perceived inability to cope with sleeplessness without medication.

Emotional reliance on Ambien for sleep may contribute to difficulties in discontinuing use or seeking alternative sleep management strategies.

Cognitive Impairments

Impaired cognitive function, affecting attention, concentration, and decision-making abilities.

Individuals may experience difficulties with mental clarity and processing speed.

Behavioral Changes

Changes in behavior, such as increased impulsivity, agitation, or unusual behaviors during sleep (sleepwalking, sleep-eating) may occur with long-term Ambien use.

Some individuals may exhibit altered behaviors or personality traits, which can be distressing or disruptive to daily life.

Long-term Ambien use can be replaced with natural remedies, like a comfortable bedroom, Avenues Recovery advises.

How to Take Ambien Safely 

So, how can Ambien be used safely? If you’re considering starting on Ambien, be sure to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Stick to your prescription: Always follow your doctor's guidance on dosage and timing. Don't make any changes without consulting them first.
  • Use mindfully: Reserve Ambien for when you truly need it to tackle sleep troubles. It's typically a short-term fix, so avoid leaning on it nightly without your doctor's nod.
  • Avoid alcohol: Mixing Ambien with alcohol or other sedatives can lead to serious side effects, so steer clear of any combination.
  • Time it wisely: Take Ambien right before bedtime, ensuring you've got a solid 7-8 hours ahead for quality sleep and to sidestep morning grogginess.
  • Set the scene: Craft a cozy, sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom - think dim lighting, quiet surroundings, and a comfy setup.
  • Stay alert: Keep an eye out for any side effects like dizziness or memory lapses, and promptly report any concerns to your healthcare provider.
  • Stay grounded: Until you know how Ambien affects you, avoid activities like driving or operating machinery that require full alertness.
  • Stay in touch: Maintain open communication with your doctor. If you have questions or notice any changes, they're there to help you navigate your Ambien use safely.

Minimize side-effects of long-term Ambien use by taking Ambien right before bedtime, Avenues Recovery advises.

Help for Long-Term Ambien Use

If you or someone you know is struggling with long-term Ambien use, Avenues Recovery offers compassionate and personalized treatment to help you overcome addiction. Our experienced team provides expert care in a safe and supportive environment, with comprehensive services tailored to your needs. From drug detox treatment to therapy and aftercare planning, we're committed to supporting your journey to recovery. Contact Avenues Recovery today to take the first step towards a healthier, happier life, free from Ambien addiction.

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