Is Adderall a Narcotic?

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Many people wonder: Is Adderall considered a narcotic? The answer is that no, Adderall is not a narcotic. Narcotics are highly addictive medications used as painkillers for extreme pain, like after surgery. The immediate after-effects of narcotics include a sensation of calm, a reduction of tension, and overall well-being. In contrast, Adderall is a stimulant, which means that the user feels a euphoric ‘high’, stimulation, and excess energy.

Read this article by Avenues Recovery, pioneering drug rehab, to get all your answers.

What is Adderall? 

Adderall is a widely prescribed medication used to treat ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and narcolepsy (a sleeping disorder). Is Adderall an opioid? Although it is sometimes mistaken for an opioid, Adderall is actually a stimulant drug composed of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Is the Adderall pill a narcotic? As mentioned above, it is not a narcotic. Because of its immediate pleasurable after effects, such as increased focus, a sense of confidence, a euphoric ‘high,’ and extra energy, Adderall is unfortunately abused by many.

Side Effects of Adderall Abuse

There are many undesirable side effects associated with Adderall abuse, including:

  • An increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Anxiety

When Adderall is misused for an extended period of time, there are more severe risks, like heart problems, stroke, and death.

Is Adderall a Controlled Substance? 

Yes, Adderall is a controlled substance. Many people assume that a controlled substance is illegal. So, is Adderall illegal? The short answer is no, Adderall is not illegal, but there are specific rules and regulations that healthcare providers and consumers have to follow in regard to this medication. Read on to learn about controlled substances, the regulations associated with Adderall, and why Adderall is classified as a controlled substance. 

What are Controlled Substances? 

All medications can be split into two classes: over-the-counter and prescription. Over-the-counter meds, like Nurofen and cough drops, are generally safe, so they can be purchased easily. Other medications needed for specific illnesses or conditions are prescribed by a doctor and are only legally obtained with a prescription. 

Within the category of prescription medication, there are two types: controlled and non-controlled. Non-controlled medications include antibiotics, as well as blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Controlled medications are drugs that are addictive and have the potential to be abused. These medications include fentanyl, ketamine, methamphetamine, and tramadol. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has classed all controlled substances into Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V, with varying levels of danger and abuse potential and therefore, different regulations to minimize the risk of abuse, dependence, and addiction. 

Schedule I drugs are completely recreational with no medical use, and have the highest potential for abuse (like heroin, MDMA, and marijuana). Schedule II drugs are medications that have a somewhat lesser potential for abuse and are prescribed to treat chronic pain, insomnia, and ADHD (like morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl). The final class, Schedule V drugs, have almost no potential for abuse, so the regulations are the most relaxed for Schedule V medications. 

Why is Adderall a Controlled Substance? 

Adderall, as with all narcotic pain medications, has a high potential for abuse and addiction, so it’s classed as a Schedule II drug by the DEA. The regulations for Schedule II drugs are tight, which ensures that people don’t get hold of too much of the drug, thereby minimizing the risk of addiction. Some of the regulations imposed on Adderall purchasing by the DEA include the requirement of a prescription from a healthcare provider, a new prescription every time the person needs a refill, and a limit on the amount of Adderall being sold at a time. 

The fact that Adderall is a Schedule II drug should serve as a warning to consumers, as people can easily become dependent or addicted to the drug. Follow the doctor’s recommendations always, taking care not to increase the dose or take the medication more often than advised. 

If you are worried about yourself or a loved one showing signs of addiction, reach out to us at Avenues Recovery Center so that we can help you identify whether or not you are struggling with addiction and help you explore possible treatment options. 

Is Adderall Legal?

As mentioned above, it is fully legal for a doctor or healthcare provider to prescribe Adderall if needed, but deviating from the regulations imposed on prescribing and obtaining Adderall is illegal. People who have been prescribed Adderall may not get a refill prescription for 30 days (in most cases), and prescription shopping (going from one doctor to another to get more of the same medication) is a serious offense. Additionally, selling the medication to a friend or stranger or giving the medication to someone else has serious legal implications.

Is Adderall a Narcotic? Adderall Addiction Treatment 

Though Adderall is not a narcotic, if you or your loved one are taking a higher-than-prescribed dose of Adderall or are taking Adderall without a prescription, be aware that there are many long-term adverse physical, emotional, and psychological effects. The sooner you reach out for help and start drug detox treatment, the more damage you can prevent.

Avenues Recovery Center has helped thousands of people struggling with addiction through our top-of-the-line rehab facilities. We have a professional staff of therapists who employ traditional and holistic therapies with a customized treatment plan to guide every patient to sobriety. If you are serious about addiction recovery, Avenues is the right place for you to begin your journey. Our talented and devoted staff are committed to supporting and directing you every step of the way. Reach out to Avenues Recovery and start your journey towards the happy, healthy and sober future you deserve.

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