The Fastest Way to Clean Out Your System While Pregnant

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There are many risks associated with mothers using drugs while their unborn babies are in utero. It is imperative that pregnant women detox and recover from drug addiction quickly and safely in order to prevent further damage to the unborn baby. The fastest way to do this is in three days. This article will address: Can you detox while pregnant, how to detox for pregnant women, safe detox while pregnant, the fastest way to clean weed out your system while pregnant, and more.

Addiction During Pregnancy

The number of child-bearing women who are addicted to drugs is staggering. Although no mother wants to harm the developing child in their womb, addiction is more powerful than any core value, regardless how strong the desire to uphold it is. In fact, all relationships, financial worries, and other basic considerations take a backseat once addiction has overtaken a person’s mind.

The reality is that mothers who are addicted to drugs during pregnancy cause great damage to the unborn child. Babies whose mothers were addicted to drugs- particularly opioids- during pregnancy are usually born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), where drugs are needed to stop withdrawal symptoms and save the baby’s life. These babies often have developmental delays and congenital disabilities, are at greater risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and are more likely to become addicted to drugs later in their lives. There is also an increased risk of giving birth to a stillborn baby.

The Challenge Pregnant Women Face

Many people addicted to drugs are hesitant to reach out for help because they fear the criminal justice repercussions they may face for buying, selling, or using illegal drugs. Women who are pregnant, however, may have an additional concern: they may be afraid to lose custody of their unborn baby or their other children. They may also feel judged and disrespected by medical personnel for being ‘selfish’ and ‘uncaring’ of their babies, which they are afraid may even result in sub-par care.

The reality is that Child Protective Services will not automatically remove a child from their mother’s custody because of evidence that the mother is addicted to drugs. There usually have to be signs of abuse or neglect to the other children at home, as well as other factors, for CPS to decide that the unborn child or the other children are unsafe in their mother’s care. Additionally, pregnant women who seek help early on in pregnancy have a good chance of recovering. CPS will take note of the act of responsibility, further diminishing the chances of losing the baby.

Although drug testing at every doctor’s visit is routine in many hospitals and medical facilities, there are some states or medical establishments that are against it, proposing only to provide a drug test with the mother’s consent. There are also those of the opinion that no criminal charges should be pressed against pregnant women to ensure the best outcome for the unborn babies. It’s also important for medical professionals to treat all women with respect and to remember that addiction is a disease, not an indication of a character flaw or moral failing.

Withdrawal Effects For a Pregnant Woman

Every pregnancy comes with elevated hormones that affect women in different ways. Some women may experience morning sickness, vomiting, heartburn, backache, and other uncomfortable side effects. Compounded with withdrawal from drug addiction, the side effects are extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous. Some of the side effects of withdrawal while pregnant include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors or seizures
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches and cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue

These effects are unpleasant at best and dangerous at worst if the detox is unmonitored by a medical professional. It’s important to note that pregnant women can have a safe detox with minimal discomfort at a drug rehab center or other medical facility.

3-Day Cleanse While Pregnant

It is almost impossible to quit drugs cold turkey because of the overwhelmingly adverse withdrawal symptoms. Especially during pregnancy, quitting on your own can be dangerous for you and your unborn baby because of the real risk of seizures, miscarriage, or long-term damage to the fetus. However, medical detox is doable and safe for anyone- including pregnant women.

The fastest and safest way of detoxing while pregnant in the third trimester or beyond is to do a 3-day cleanse under medical supervision, although it could last for up to a week. Of course, the sooner you do a detox, the lower the chances of your unborn child suffering the consequences of a drug-filled pregnancy. The ideal would be during the first three months of pregnancy, although it’s not too late after the first trimester.

Medications for Pregnant Women During Detox

Medicated detox involves using medications in a supervised environment to help patients deal with the adverse side effects of withdrawal. For opioid use disorder, buprenorphine and methadone are two medications that are commonly used. Both medications are safe and effective for pregnant women, making it easier to detox and stay sober for the long term.

It has been proven that besides relieving patients from difficult withdrawal symptoms, both medications can also lessen the severity of the NAS and other symptoms that babies who were exposed to drugs in utero may experience.

Detox from Smoking

The question of how to detox your body from smoking while pregnant is commonly asked, because many people are addicted to smoking. Another widely used substance is weed, and people often want to know how to detox from weed while pregnant. As with all drugs, it’s vital to drink a lot of fluids, eat healthily, and practice good sleep hygiene when trying to flush toxins from the body. Furthermore, it’s important to find an effective program that can help you do a medical detox and stay sober for the long term.


Dealing with pregnancy and addiction at the same time can feel overwhelming and frightening. You may feel guilty for causing harm to your unborn baby, embarrassed that you are unable to quit, and scared of the consequences once your doctor realizes that you are addicted to drugs.

The first step to your recovery is to realize that the addiction is not in your control- it is bigger and more powerful than you, and you need professional assistance to reach sobriety. At Avenues Recovery Center, we have helped many pregnant women detox safely and reach sobriety, minimizing the harm to their unborn children. Our expert team treats every individual with utmost care and respect, in a safe and supportive environment. We use personalized treatment plans and a wide array of therapies to facilitate optimal success. Our dedicated and highly professional team will stand by you every step of the way. Reaching out for help shows strength, not weakness, and your commitment to giving your child the very best start at life. Contact us today so that we can begin your journey towards the happy, healthy and sober future you and your child deserve. 

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