Primary Counselor

Savanna Mathias

Savannah Mathias hails from Virginia Beach, VA, and now serves as a primary therapist at Avenues Recovery Center She attended Old Dominion University and George Mason University, earning a Bachelor of Science with a major in Psychology and a minor in Addiction Prevention and Treatment. She furthered her education with a Master's in Social Work and is currently working towards becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

Savanna is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective therapy to those suffering from substance abuse. Her therapeutic approach is holistic and person-centered, integrating evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Savannah tailors her methods to fit each individual's unique needs and circumstances, ensuring a personalized and effective treatment plan.

Outside of her professional life, Savannah enjoys traveling with her husband and tackling challenging hikes together. They share their home with three beloved pets—two cats and a dog.

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