Primary Counselor

Jerone Woodard, ADT

Jerone Woodard hails from Waldorf, Maryland, and works as a primary counselor at Avenues Recovery Center at Prince Frederick. He earned an Associate of Applied Science in Human Service Counseling from the Community College of Baltimore County, and is currently preparing to take the test for Certified Supervised Counselor (CSC) status. Jerone will be starting classes in August to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Human Service Counseling at Walden University.

Jerone’s passion for addiction treatment stems from personal experiences. Having lost family members to substance abuse and struggled with dependence himself, he chose this career to be part of the solution. Jerone believes in addressing addiction through empathy and understanding, drawing from his own journey to help others.

On a personal note, Jerone has been married for nine years and has two stepchildren. He enjoys playing basketball, running, and constantly seeking new knowledge.

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