The Roost at Virginia Tech: A Unique Recovery-Focused Living Experience for Students

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Avenues Recovery, an addiction rehab in Virginia would like to share Virginia Tech's new initiative to help students struggling with substance abuse. It has introduced a pioneering living-learning community known as "The Roost." Located in Payne Hall, this innovative program provides a supportive and substance-free environment tailored specifically for students in recovery.

According to the 13 News newsite, fourteen students moved into Payne Hall two weeks ago, marking the start of a new chapter in Virginia Tech’s approach to recovery support. Among these students, five are actively in recovery from substance use disorders, while the remaining residents, though not in recovery themselves, have been carefully selected for their supportive attitudes and commitment to the program’s goals.

“The Roost” is more than just a dormitory; it’s a dedicated space where students can immerse themselves in recovery-focused activities and resources. Each resident is required to participate in a weekly seminar class designed to support and enrich their recovery journey. The program’s structure is aimed at providing a comprehensive support system, including access to guest speakers, workshops, and various seminar formats.

Amy Terry, the program director for “The Roost,” emphasizes the importance of creating a dynamic and engaging environment for recovery. “We offer different guest speakers, workshops, and seminar settings. We try to make it so that students can explore their recovery in a way that feels right for them,” she said. The program encourages exploration through various mediums such as discussion, writing, and art, ensuring that every week presents new opportunities for growth and reflection.

In addition to supporting its residents, “The Roost” extends its reach beyond Payne Hall, offering recovery-related meetings and resources to the broader Virginia Tech undergraduate community. This inclusive approach helps integrate the recovery support system into the wider campus environment, fostering a more understanding and supportive culture.

“The Roost” represents a significant step forward in addressing the needs of students dealing with substance use disorders. By providing a dedicated space for recovery and creating a supportive community, Virginia Tech is setting a precedent for how colleges and universities can better serve students on their journey to recovery.

With its commitment to offering a unique and supportive living environment, Virginia Tech’s “The Roost” is more than just a new dorm—it’s a beacon of hope and a model for recovery-focused student housing.

“If you or your loved one is struggling with an addiction, reach out to Avenues Recovery today so that we can guide your journey to sobriety. With the right help and resources, recovery is entirely possible.

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