Virginia Governor Youngkin Expands Fentanyl Overdose Awareness Campaign Amid Rising Concerns

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Avenues Recovery, a drug and alcohol rehab in Virginia, are pleased to share recent efforts made by Governor Youngkin to combat the fentanyl crisis ravaging Virginia. On a recent August morning, Sheyka Lyon shared her story at Caritas, a Richmond nonprofit supporting those in recovery from substance abuse. Once a victim of sex trafficking and addiction, Lyon credited her recovery to the support programs at Caritas. Now a peer navigator, she introduced Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, who announced the expansion of the "It Only Takes One" fentanyl overdose awareness campaign. Initially launched in Roanoke, this campaign encourages families to talk to teens about fentanyl’s dangers.

With fentanyl-related deaths reaching 1,772 in Virginia in 2023, Youngkin stressed the urgency of tackling the crisis. He highlighted various state efforts, including Attorney General Jason Miyares’ "one pill can kill" campaign and widespread Narcan training. According to the Virginia Mercury news site, legislative measures have also been enacted to target fentanyl manufacturers and support people in recovery working at treatment centers.

However, Youngkin's proposal to impose felony homicide charges on drug dealers whose products cause fatal overdoses remains contentious. Some Democrats argue it could unfairly penalize those unaware their drugs contained fentanyl. Despite this, Youngkin is committed to pushing the legislation forward.

Jill Chicowicz, who lost her twin brother to a fentanyl overdose, praised the governor’s efforts. Through her nonprofit, 2 End The Stigma, she raises awareness about opioid dangers and encourages open conversations between parents and teens. Chicowicz and Lyon's stories underscore the importance of community and awareness in combating the fentanyl crisis.

If you or your loved one are struggling with a fentanyl addiction, know that there is hope. At Avenues Recovery, we have helped thousands of people break free from their addictions, and we can help you too. Reach out to us today to begin your journey towards the sober future you deserve.

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