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Tom Holland Opens Up About His Journey To Sobriety | Avenues Recovery

Written by Suri Ausch | Jul 12, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Tom Holland, a 27-year-old English actor who recently starred in ‘The Crowded Room,’ was addicted to alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are drinks that contain ethanol, and people consume them in excess to enjoy physiological and psychological effects. Drinking too much can be very detrimental to one’s health.

Tom Holland’s alcoholism led him to re-evaluate his goals and make some life-altering decisions. On July 10, 2022, he appeared on the podcast On Purpose with Jay Shetty, where he opened up about his sobriety journey. 

Tom Holland’s Addiction Issues 

Tom Holland claimed to be ‘really, really struggling’ with alcohol use. He said he realized this after he tried Dry January- an annual challenge where people are encouraged to re-examine their relationship with alcohol, and abstain from drinking for the month of January. During that challenging month, he admitted, ‘all I could think about was having a drink… I was waking up thinking about it. I was checking the clock, when’s it 12 pm? …It just really scared me.’

When the month ended, Tom decided to try another month of sobriety, and ultimately dared himself to remain sober until his birthday on June 1, 2022. Tom Holland’s drug addiction was slowly coming to an end.

After Tom Holland was one year sober, he was ‘…the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I could sleep better. I could handle problems better, things that would go wrong on set, that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride. I had so much better mental clarity. I felt healthier, I felt fitter.’

Tom Holland Sobriety

What prompted Tom Holland to become sober? Tom Holland’s sobriety came as a result of his stark realization that he had a real problem with alcohol. “I was really worried… it really scared me.” During Dry January and the subsequent months until his birthday, when he abstained completely from alcohol, he recognized the severity of his addiction and resolved to become sober. 

Did Tom Holland go to Rehab?

Tom Holland didn’t go to rehab, but he took it upon himself to quit drinking. At first, he felt his social life suffer from his sobriety. He claimed, ‘I felt like I couldn’t go to the pub and have a lime soda. I couldn’t go out for dinner. I was really, really struggling and I started to really worry that maybe I had an alcohol problem.’ He began to question himself, ‘Why am I so enslaved by this drink? Why am I so obsessed by the idea of having this drink?’ He concluded that his obsession stemmed from a desire to ‘feel more comfortable in a social environment. I would look back and recognize that I would go to events for work, and I can’t enjoy myself until I’ve had a few beers, and I just felt so much pressure.’                                                                                                                          

He questioned himself and addressed the inner reasons why he felt he needed to drink. This is how Tom Holland’s addiction successfully came to a halt.


Other Celebrities Who Became Sober

 Tom Holland’s sobriety isn’t the only success that sent reactions across the country. Recently, more celebrities have chosen a sober lifestyle over the nightlife and partying which is the order of the day Hollywood. Many have realized how much better life can be without drugs and alcohol, and how the benefits of quitting are amazing.

In march 2022, model and actress Cara Delevinge discussed with Vogue Magazine her decision to get sober after years of drug and alcohol abuse. After what she claimed to be a ‘fall from grace moment,’ she started a 12-week long rehabilitation program which she said saved her life.

Popular rapper Jack Harlow spoke about his decision to abstain from alcohol and other substances, such as marijuana. In his interview with Rolling Stone magazine, he explained the feelings he experienced when on drugs; ‘I lose a lot of what I like about myself. I think it’s a control factor too. I lose a little control…’

Actress and singer Milya Cyrus was sober prior to Covid-19 but relapsed during months of forced quarantine. Following the pandemic, she re-committed to her sobriety. Miley shared with New Music Daily, ‘I don’t have a problem with drinking. I have a problem with the decisions I make once I go past that level of… I’ve just been wanting to wake up 100%, 100% of the time.’

Another celebrity, rapper Nicki Manaj, shared on Twitter upon becoming sober, “I used to be happy when I was high. Now I’m happy when I’m sober.”


Tom Holland’s drug addiction and recovery story is an excellent example of why evaluating your relationship with alcohol is so important. Holland worked on himself to refrain from alcohol for one month, and that led to his complete sobriety.                                                                                                    

People think that alcohol is essential for a happy life, but excessive drinking can actually be fatal, eventually leading to the development of chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and digestive problems. Learn what a healthy relationship with alcohol looks like. Be mindful when drinking and become aware of your drinking habits, so you can readily take action if the need arises.

If your relationship with alcohol concerns you, it’s important to reach out and seek medical advice. If you have severe alcohol use disorder, stopping all drinking abruptly can be extremely dangerous, since alcohol causes severe to fatal withdrawal symptoms.        

Reaching and maintaining sobriety may be challenging, but it entirely possible with the help of the right treatment program and support system. Our staff at Avenues Recovery are experts in alcohol addiction recovery and they will provide you with professional guidance and help. Contact us today, and let us set you on the path towards a healthier, happier, and brighter future. Together we can fight your addiction and give you the life you deserve.