Maryland Health Department Releases Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Plan for Schools

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Avenues Recovery, an addiction rehab center in Maryland, are pleased to share that the state's Department of Health recently introduced the Maryland Action Plan to Prevent Suicide in Schools. The action plan is a robust guide designed to provide essential tools for suicide prevention. It targets educators, administrators, students, parents, and mental health professionals, offering resources to address rising suicide rates, particularly among youth.

“Youth suicide rates are increasing, both nationally and in Maryland,” said Maryland Health Secretary Dr. Laura Herrera Scott. "In Maryland, we're committed to reversing this devastating trend by providing evidence-based resources to schools and communities where intervention is critical.”

The Moco Show news site noted that the Maryland Action Plan is a vital part of the state’s strategy, coinciding with September’s National Suicide Prevention Month. The plan addresses one of Maryland's most pressing public health challenges, with suicide being the third leading cause of death for individuals aged 10-24. In total, suicide ranks as the 16th leading cause of death across all age groups in Maryland.

This comprehensive guide is structured to provide K-12 public and private schools with tools to prevent, intervene, and manage suicide-related crises. The plan's approach is carefully tailored to support school administrators, mental health professionals, teachers, students, and parents, helping ensure that all members of the school community are prepared to identify and respond to suicide risks.

Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health Alyssa Lord highlighted the importance of these resources, stating, “As parents, we understand the challenges schools face in protecting our youth. This guide provides another critical resource for them to better support students and prevent suicide.”

Key elements of the Maryland Action Plan include guidelines for administrators on best practices for managing suicide-related emergencies, communication during crises, and long-term support for affected communities. Parents and caregivers are also provided with strategies to create safer home environments and recognize early signs of distress.

Developed by the Maryland Department of Health's Office of Suicide Prevention, with expert guidance from Dr. Scott Poland and Dr. Donna Poland, the plan incorporates insights from school partners, community leaders, and survivors of suicide loss. Along with this initiative, the state continues broader suicide prevention efforts through its Behavioral Health Administration.

“Schools, in partnership with parents, communities, and state agencies, play a pivotal role in preventing youth suicide,” said Dr. Scott Poland. “This plan gives them practical tools to make a real difference.”

If you or your loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, addiction or mental health on general, know that there is hope. Avenues Recovery has helped thousands of people just like you turn their lives around and live meaningful and beautiful lives. Reach out to us today to receive the help and support you deserve.

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