Indiana's Pregnancy Promise Program Receives $3M Federal Grant for Expansion

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Indiana’s Pregnancy Promise Program has secured a nearly $3 million federal grant to enhance its services over the next three years, focusing on expanding support for pregnant individuals and new parents with substance use disorders. This grant is set to bolster the program's efforts, particularly in rural and under-resourced communities.

According to the WYFI news site, the Pregnancy Promise Program launched in 2021, offers comprehensive support to Medicaid-eligible pregnant individuals grappling with substance use disorders, extending through their first year postpartum. The program’s mission is to connect participants with essential recovery programs, prenatal health care, and mental health services. Beyond medical support, it provides wrap-around services including stable housing, transportation, food security, and child care.

The latest data from the Indiana Maternal Mortality Review Committee highlights substance use disorder and overdose as significant contributors to maternal deaths. In response, the Pregnancy Promise Program has demonstrated notable success, with approximately 94% of its participants achieving sustained recovery while enrolled. Additionally, 83% of infants born to participants were of healthy birth weight and experienced shorter hospital stays, according to the program’s 2023 annual report.

With the new federal grant, the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) aims to expand its reach by serving an additional 300 participants over the next three years. FSSA Secretary Dr. Dan Rusyniak emphasized the program's "multigenerational approach," which not only supports mothers in recovery but also ensures that infants receive necessary pediatric care, referrals to specialists, and developmental support.

The grant will also foster partnerships with community organizations such as Centerstone and VOA Fresh Start. These collaborations will enhance access to support services for uninsured and underinsured Hoosiers, further strengthening the program’s impact across Indiana.

This expansion reflects a growing commitment to addressing the complex needs of pregnant individuals facing substance use challenges and underscores the importance of integrated support systems in fostering healthier families and communities.

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