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Combating S.A.D. | Avenues Recovery

Written by Sharon Farntrog | Mar 5, 2024 6:13:19 PM

As temperatures plunge and winter wraps its chilly fingers around the Northern Hemisphere, many people find themselves struggling with more than just snowy steps and frosted windshields.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD), often nicknamed “winter blues”, is a form of mild depression that typically emerges in the colder, darker months of the year. Especially once the frenetic and joyous holiday season is over, the winter months may seem to stretch ahead like an endless, monotonous plain – with nary a ray of sunshine in sight.

If you find yourself struggling with winter blues, worry not! In this post, Avenues Recovery, leadings residential treatment program,  will provide a comprehensive guide on how to fight Seasonal Affective Disorder and embrace the winter season with emotional resilience and joy.

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder, as we explained, is a mood disorder characterized by depression that generally occurs at the same time every year – most often fall and winter. It’s caused by changes in light exposure, brought about by the shorter days and decreased sunlight of the winter months. This is believed to affect the body’s internal clock, as well as levels of important neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) like serotonin and melatonin. Common symptoms of SAD include low energy, irritability, social withdrawal, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep patterns, and persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Although it might feel hard to shake that sleepy, sad feeling, there are plenty of things you can do to get yourself back on track!

Below are some easy-to-implement ideas that can help to restore you to your old cheerful self.

  1. Natural Light
    One of the primary causes of SAD is lack of sunlight during the winter. Exposure to natural sunlight will help regulate your circadian rhythm (inner clock) as well as boost serotonin levels in the brain. Open the curtains or blinds to let sunlight into your living space, and be sure to spend time outdoors during daylight hours.
  2. Light Therapy
    If you live in an area with limited sunlight (like Alaska or far northern England😉), light therapy – also known as phototherapy – can be a game-changer. Specially designed lightboxes can mimic natural sunlight, and sitting in front of one for around 30 minutes a day can significantly improve mood and energy levels. If you feel this may be beneficial, speak to your doctor to find the right lightbox for you.
  3. Stay Active
    Regular exercise is a very powerful mood booster. Something as simple as a short walk home or a daily workout can make a substantial difference to your spirits. Exercise releases endorphins (feel-good hormones), lowers levels of stress hormones, and contributes to an elevated overall sense of wellbeing.
  4. Keep a Healthy Diet
    It may seem unlikely, but your diet plays a large role in your mental health. Be sure to maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and fiber. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids – found in fish, flaxseeds, and nuts, have been associated with mood improvement.
  5. Create a Cozy Vibe
    Embrace, don’t fight, the winter season by making your personal living space as warm and inviting as possible. Install soft, warm lighting, bring in cozy throw pillows and blankets, and incorporate anything that brings you joy – like scented candles, shaggy rugs, greenery, and wooden or textured accents. Prepare hot teas or cocoas and have cozy downtime each evening – let it be cold without and toasty within!
  6. Socialize and Connect
    Winter’s brutal weather can tempt us to hibernate with the bears, but maintaining social connections is so important for your emotional wellbeing. Schedule regular meet-ups and activities with friends, whether it’s a cuppa joe, a popcorn and movie night, or even a Zoom or Facetime call. Even if it feels like a pain, keep on pushing yourself out there – human connection is a powerful antidote to the winter blues.
  7. Mindfulness and Relaxation
    Try to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to help better manage stress and anxiety. Techniques like guided meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can all help to calm your mind and improve your overall mental health. It may feel new at first, but try and see what a difference mindfulness can make to your day!
  8. Take on Small Projects
    Just because it feels like the world outside is sound asleep, doesn’t mean you need to stagnate too! Choose a few small projects to tackle over the winter – like finishing a course you once started, redecorating a room, or developing a new professional skill. Set realistic goals, and feel the sense of fulfillment that comes as you achieve them one by one.

Note: If your depressive symptoms persist or worsen past what is described here, seeking professional help is crucial. Mental health professionals can provide you with tailored therapies to address your Seasonal Affective Disorder as well as any underlying conditions. There’s no need to suffer in silence – reach out for help today!

Wintertime can present real challenges for those predisposed to SAD and other depressive disorders, but with wise and proactive measures, you can navigate this season with inner strength and positivity. Whether it’s soaking up the sunshine, staying physically and mentally active, or fostering and keeping meaningful relationships, bringing these techniques into your daily routine can help to combat the winter blues. You’ll find that they’ll bring a sense of warmth and wellbeing into every day of these frosty months! So embrace this season with lots of self-love and care, and remember – spring is never more than a few months away!