Colorado’s Lifesaving Narcan Supply at Risk as Federal Funds Expire

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Access to Narcan, a life-saving medication that can reverse opioid overdoses, is in jeopardy in Colorado. With the expiration of federal funding, the state faces a critical challenge in maintaining the availability of this essential drug. Narcan has been a crucial tool in combating the opioid crisis, saving countless lives across the state. However, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has issued warnings that they may no longer be able to supply naloxone to the agencies and organizations that depend on it.

This threat to Narcan access comes at a time when Colorado needs it most. Opioid-related deaths have surged, with nearly 1,800 Coloradans dying from drug overdoses in 2022 alone—a 46% increase since 2018. The rise of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than heroin, has only exacerbated the crisis. Fentanyl is often found in counterfeit prescription drugs, leading to accidental overdoses, particularly among young people.

Dr. Donald Stader, an emergency and addiction medicine physician and founder of the Naloxone Project, and Jeremy Pavlik, a recovery coach who has personally experienced the life-saving effects of Narcan, are united in their call to action. They emphasize the urgency of finding new funding sources to ensure that Narcan remains widely available. The state's Naloxone Bulk Purchase Fund, which has provided discounted naloxone to local law enforcement, first responders, and community organizations, is in trouble now that the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funding has expired.

To stabilize this vital fund, Stader and Pavlik propose several solutions. According to the Denver Post, they suggest that some of the $750 million from the National Opioid Settlement, overseen by Colorado's Attorney General, be allocated to maintain Narcan supplies. Additionally, they advocate for contributions from Colorado insurers, including Medicaid, and call on the state legislature to provide additional funding when it reconvenes.

The need for swift and decisive action cannot be overstated. Without continued access to Narcan, the progress Colorado has made in addressing the opioid crisis could be undone, putting countless lives at risk. By prioritizing the preservation of this life-saving drug, Colorado can continue to protect its citizens from the devastating effects of opioid overdoses and ensure that help is available when it’s needed most.

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