Colorado Group Aims to End the Trauma of Giving Up Pets for Rehab

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For many struggling with addiction, pets provide one of the few remaining sources of unconditional love and stability. Unfortunately, many people are forced to part with their animals when they seek treatment, adding another layer of trauma to an already difficult situation. Avenues Recovery, an addiction rehab center in Colorado, are happy to share that a local group called PAWsitive Recovery is changing that narrative by offering a solution that allows individuals to pursue recovery while keeping their pets safe and cared for.

Simon Rubick, a resident of Arvada, Colorado, knows this pain all too well. After decades of battling alcoholism and drug addiction, Simon hit rock bottom in 2022. His addiction cost him his home, his car, and his relationship with his two teenage children, who had to move in with friends. The only constant source of love and support he had left was his German shepherd, Tonks.

When Simon realized he needed professional help to overcome his addiction, he faced an impossible choice: give up his beloved dog to seek treatment or continue living with the support of his pet while spiraling deeper into addiction. This is the harsh reality for many people seeking recovery, as most rehab centers don’t allow pets.

For Simon, the idea of losing Tonks was unbearable. “It basically came down to being able to take care of my dog or being able to take care of myself,” he recalled.

Thankfully, Simon found a third option: PAWsitive Recovery. The Denver-based nonprofit, founded by Serena Saunders, offers foster care for pets while their owners undergo treatment for addiction, domestic violence, or mental health crises. Since its inception three years ago, PAWsitive Recovery has helped more than 180 people and their pets, ensuring that individuals can focus on their recovery without the added heartbreak of losing their animal companions.

“You’re not going to compound trauma by giving up the one thing that hasn’t given up on you, and that’s people’s animals,” said Serena, reflecting on her own struggles with addiction.

The Associated Press noted that Saunders, who has been sober for over three years, was inspired to create PAWsitive Recovery from her personal experiences. She grew up in a difficult environment where both parents battled addiction, and she turned to alcohol at the age of 12 and hard drugs by 14. In her journey to sobriety, she realized the importance of incorporating her love for animals into the healing process.

PAWsitive Recovery not only fosters pets but also helps arrange visits between owners and their animals during the recovery process. This connection proved vital for Simon, who says that his dog played a key role in his journey to sobriety. “Tonks ended up rescuing me,” he said, describing the emotional bond that helped him stay motivated.

The emotional impact of PAWsitive Recovery is profound, both for the people in recovery and the volunteer foster families who care for their pets. Denver resident Ben Cochell, who has been sober for seven years, has fostered several dogs through the program. He believes that fostering teaches valuable life lessons about empathy and kindness, especially for his children. “To see someone turn their life around because you helped them keep their pet—that’s a gift,” Ben shared.

With its growing success, PAWsitive Recovery has partnered with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International, which has enabled the organization to expand its reach across the country. Their largest foster network remains in Colorado, but they accept applications nationwide.

Serena’s vision is to ensure that no one has to choose between seeking help and keeping their pet. For many like Simon, the unconditional love of an animal provides the emotional support needed to navigate the difficult path of recovery.

By fostering this critical connection between people and their pets, PAWsitive Recovery is not just saving lives; it’s offering hope, healing, and a reason to keep fighting for a better future.

Organizations like PAWsitive Recovery are a reminder that recovery is not just about breaking free from addiction—it’s about rebuilding lives and maintaining the emotional connections that offer stability. By recognizing the important role pets play in the healing process, PAWsitive Recovery is helping to ensure that people don’t have to face recovery alone. For Simon and countless others, being able to keep their beloved pets has been the key to overcoming addiction.

If you or your loved one are struggling with an addiction, reach out to Avenues Recovery today. We will work through any barriers preventing you from accessing the help you deserve. Our experienced and compassionate staff will guide and direct you every step of the way to recovery.

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